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JULY 2017


Powerful digital

connection is key for

modern tube machining

THE increasingly powerful digital





processes is a big factor in recent

technical progress within the industry.

For hydraulics in particular, solutions are

required that ensure safe tubemachining

as well as automated processes where


Powerful automation is even possible

with very low unit quantities, for example

with the technical machining of hydraulic

connection elements.

As such, transfluid – with its axial

forming machines of type REB and

tool-independent rolling forming with

systems of type SRM – offers the

solution for hose connections or DKOL

connections directly on the tube, for

example. These enable sharp-edged

contours for sealing elements and

optimum surfaces. The production of

flanges between 20° and 90° with short

clamping lengths can be realised with

transfluid forming machines of type

UMR, for optimum sealing surfaces and

in a single process.

“In the future, greater flexibility will

be required for even better processes.

I think, for example, of the online

connection between design and our

bending software t project. And also

of systems that measure both at the

building and the finished tube. Such a

system must of course be simple to use.

That is sure to deliver greater bending

freedom,” said Stefanie Flaeper,

managing director of transfluid, outlining

the demands and developments that are


This was the objective of the engineers

at transfluid when they developed the

mandrel bending machine of type t bend

DB 40220-3A-CNC. With this machine,

it is possible to bend thick- and thin-

walled tubes with diameters from 40 to

220mm. The stable design ensures a

long service life, and simple, rapid tool

changes enable diverse applications

and improved efficiency.




t bend DB 642 CNC R/L VE with rotating

head delivers a strong performance

when producing extremely demanding

geometries, even when structural

obstacles are present.

With this servo-electrically

driven concept for tube

diameters up to 42mm,

each bending head has

two tool levels as standard.

Process assurance is

provided by the complete

visualisation of production

processes on the freely programmable

CNC touch panel control.

transfluid offers flexibility together

with simple and effective technology for

bending directly on site in the building,

with its latest generation of the mobile

bending machine t bend MB 642. With

this machine, hydraulic lines can be laid

at the installation site.

If additional equipment is required,

customers can also choose from the

internal and external de-burrer, a saw,

an assembly device for all conventional

connection systems (flanging and

cutting ring fittings), as well as metal

circular saws.

transfluid Maschinenbau GmbH



+49 2972 9715 11



Safe and automated processing from transfluid