No board member shall have any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in
any contract of the board or be employed in any manner for
compensation by the board, except under very limited circumstances.
The Attorney General also has opined that a board of education cannot
purchase services from an educational service center if a member of the
purchasing board is employed by the ESC.
No board member shall be eligible for employment as school physician,
school dentist, or school nurse.
No board member can vote in the making of a contract with a teacher,
when the board member is related to the teacher as father, mother,
brother, or sister.
provides the most recent Ohio Department of Taxation report
on taxable values, taxes levied, average tax rates for current expenses,
and average property values per pupil for each of Ohio’s school districts.
A majority of the members constitutes a quorum. Roll call votes and the
affirmative vote of a majority of the members (and not just those present)
are required for certain resolutions, including the purchase or sale of real
or personal property, employment, election or appointment of officers,
payment of debt or claim, and textbook adoption.
In some instances, a two-thirds or majority vote of the membership is
mandated for passage of a resolution. A member may demand roll call
Board members must be present to vote.
If a student who enters third grade before June 30, 2013 scores in the
limited range on the third grade English language arts assessment, a
school district shall do one of the following:
1) promote the student if the student’s principal and English language
arts teacher agree that other evaluations of the student’s skill in reading
demonstrate that the student is academically prepared to be promoted to
the fourth grade;
2) promote the student to grade four but provide the student with
“intensive intervention service” during the fourth grade; and
3) retain the student in the third grade.
However, for students who enter third grade beginning with the 2013-
2014 school year, so school district shall promote a student to the fourth
grade if the student scores in a range designated by the state board of
education unless one of the following applies:
1) The student has been in United States schools for less than two
full school years and has had less than two years in an English
as a second language program;
2) The student has been identified as a child with a disability, and
the student’s individualized education program exempts the
student from retention;
3) The student demonstrates an acceptable level of performance on
an alternative standardized reading assessment identified by
the department of education;
4)The student was previously retained in any of grades K-3 but still
demonstrates a reading deficiency after intensive remediation