The Secretary’s Report consists of the minutes for the IASA Annual Business meeting held April 27, 2012, at the Crowne Plaza
Hotel and Conference Center.
Call to Order – President David W. Messersmith
President David W. Messersmith called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m.
II. Declare a Quorum is Present
President Messersmith determined that a quorum was present.
III. Acknowledgement of Dr. Jason D. Henry as Parliamentarian
PresidentMessersmith appointedDr. JasonD.Henry, superintendent of Sesser-ValierComm#196, to serve as parliamentarian.
IV. Acknowledgement of IASA Board of Directors and Officers
President Messersmith recognized the IASA Board of Directors and Officers. He thanked each for their service to IASA.
He also acknowledged the 2012-2013 Officers and new Board of Director members for FY 2013.
Approval of the April 15, 2011 Annual Meeting Minutes
Mr. Rick Schmitt moved that the April 15, 2011, Annual Meeting Minutes be approved as submitted. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Robert E. Gillum and approved by a voice vote.
VI. 2012 Annual Report
A. General Finances of the Association – Dr. Steve Webb, Treasurer
Dr. Steve Webb reported that IASA is in sound financial condition, noting our state’s dire fiscal status will increase the
challenge of financial management for the association over the coming years. He further reported the IASA
investments are doing well and expects that the investments will continue to cover monthly building expenses.
1. Approval of the Independent Auditor’s Financial Summary
A motion was made by Dr. Jo R. Campbell, seconded by Ms. Connie Woods to accept the Independent Auditor’s
Financial Summary as presented in the FY 2012 IASA Annual Report. The motion carried by a voice vote.
B. Executive Director’s Report – State of the Association Report - Dr. Brent Clark, Executive Director
Dr. Brent Clark thanked the Board of Directors and IASA Executive and Office Staff for their service to IASA.
Dr. Clark reflected on the past year noting the Board of Directors set an aggressive agenda for this year and has
undertaken some substantial work to bring more services to the membership and advocate on behalf of public
education. He added that the Board authorized the employment of three Field Services Directors and opening of
two Field offices. This decision was based on the need to provide more services to members, including mentoring,
professional development, co-facilitation of the ISAL program and greater presence at IASA region meetings.
Dr. Clark introduced the Field Services Directors as follows: Dr. Gary Zabilka (North); Dr.WilliamPhillips (Central);
and Dr. Nick Osborne (South). Each said a few words.
Dr. Clark also reported on the proposed package of pension reforms. He noted that IASA has retained outside legal
counsel with an expertise in pension law to represent the IASA membership should the Illinois General Assembly
pass a pension reform law that is unconstitutional.
C. Presentation of the Proposed Bylaws Changes - David W. Messersmith
President Messersmith reported on the two IASA Bylaws revisions put forth to the membership regarding (1)
eliminating any term limits to the office of Secretary and Treasurer; and (2) renaming the Membership Committee to
include Communications as part of the Committee (Membership and Communications Committee). Dr. Thomas
E. Bertrand moved that the IASA Bylaws be accepted as amended. The motion was seconded by Dr. Gregory Lutyens
and unanimously approved by a voice vote.
VII. Unfinished Business
President Messersmith reflected on his year as president of IASA and thanked the membership for the opportunity to serve.
VIII. New Business
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business, President Messersmith declared the meeting adjourned at 9:36 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Scott D. Kuffel
IASA Board of Directors Secretary
Annual Business
2012 Report of the Secretary
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