This year’s IASA Leadership Week (February 26-28, 2013) is designed to
expand and supplement the training and tools provided at our annual
conference this past October. Activities this week will include high performance
leadership speakers, discussions with Dr. Chris Koch and his ISBE staff,
a legislative advocacy day and reception with legislators, and meetings of the
IASA Board and Committees.
With the enormous challenges facing us today in public education, it makes sense for us
to avail ourselves of as many opportunities for professional development and advocacy as
possible. Those opportunities extend beyond the traditional, and I encourage you to visit the IASA
website, to utilize the IASA Superintendents’ Workplace, to tap into the experience of our Field Services
Directors, and to attend your IASA region meetings.
During this Leadership Week, we will also hold our IASA Annual Meeting, and Executive Director
Dr. Brent Clark will recommend approval of this Annual Report. This report contains information
reflective of the progress made towards IASA’s two primary goals:
1. To be the most respected and effective educational association in Illinois; and
2. To be the best school administrators’ association in the country.
With the support and effort of our IASA members, the leadership of Dr. Clark and the Board of
Directors, and the hard work of the IASA staff, we are making great strides towards the achievement
of these goals. I am confident that by working together we will make IASA the premier provider of
superintendent training, coaching, mentoring, and professional development.
Yours for better schools,
Kathryn J. Robbins, Ed.D.
Leyden High School District 212 Superintendent
IASA President
Quality Counts
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