Page 12 - ENG-guardsystems-brochure-2012-3.indd

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«TravelLog is easy to use. It was quick to learn and to get started.
Guard Systems has also taken into account our specific developmental
needs and the system is therefore fully adapted to meet those needs.»
«When we installed FleetGuard we wanted a system which could
secure our machines against theft. Today we use a lot of other
available functions within the system, which contributes to a
better overview and administration of our machines.»
«We chose FleetGuard and TrackGuard from Guard Systems
mainly because of two criteria’s, which are their international
presence and the width in functionalities their products offer.»
«TravelLog is easy to use and a reliable system. Guard Systems
offer support very quickly when needed.»
Dinny Harjula, Sales Manager & Partner, Adeptus Partners Oy
Sales Service / Recruitment and Training
Arnfinn Mathiesen,Workshop leader, Nordic Crane Kynningsrud
Rental of mobile cranes
Ole Johny Transet, Product Manager, Ramirent Norge AS
Rental of machine and equipment
Tarja Vapaavuori, CEO & Owner, Open Market Kiinteistönvälitys/ Kotikammari Oy
Real estate