Gary F. Siebert,
longtime Eldorado school superintendent, passed away on August 28. Mr. Siebert spent 47
years of his life in the education field, the last 27 of which he spent as superintendent of Eldorado Community
Unit School District 4. He retired at the end of the 2012–2013 school year and had been serving in the
capacity of Business Manager in the district.
Dr. Ronald R. Booth
, a former IASA member, passed away on August 16. Dr. Booth was an educator and
was employed by the Illinois Association of School Boards for a number of years. He worked the last 30
years as a labor negotiator for the school districts of Illinois.
IASA News in Brief
Nominations being accepted for the Van Miller Award
Nominations for the Van Miller Distinguished Scholar
Practitioner Award are now being accepted. This award is
presented annually by the University of Illinois College of
Education at the IASA Annual Conference in Springfield.
If you wish to make a nomination please send materials to
Dr. Vic Zimmerman, at Monticello CUSD 25, 2 Sage Drive,
Monticello, IL, 61856 or via email to
September 6, 2013.
Featured speaker at INSPRA
Communications Contest unable to attend
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Lt. J. Paul Vance, the
featured speaker at the INSPRA Communications Contest
event on September 19, will not be able to attend. Those who
have purchased tickets will be contacted by INSPRA to receive
full refunds.
Updates from the Enhanced P.E. Taskforce
Save the date an
for the September 17
webinar, “Leading the Nation:
Illinois Enhance
Force Recommendations & Revised Learning Standards.”
The webinar will take place from 10-11am on Tuesday, Sept. 17
and will feature members
of the Illinois Enhance P.E. Task Force. The webinar will allow participants to learn about
specific recommendations put forth by the Enhance P.E. Task Force and practical steps
schools can take to enhance P.E. at the local level.
School Safety Information Sharing
The Statewide Terrorism & Intelligence
Center’s (STIC) School Safety Information
Sharing Program is designed to identify the
information needs of school and campus
safety officials and ensure timely and wide
dissemination of actionable intelligence that
is tailored to the protection of these
Members will have contact with a
dedicated K-12 intelligence officer, receive
information for those who “need to know” to
aid in school safety, newsletters, free
school safety training and monthly
For questions or to join, contact
for an
application and Non-Disclosure agreement.
Criminal History Record Information Training offered for non-criminal justice users
The Illinois State Police Bureau of Identification in collaboration with the Suburban Law
Enforcement, will present a Criminal History Record Information Training. The Symposium
will educate non-criminal justice users in the use of the Criminal History Record Information
(CHRI). The Fall Symposium will be held at University of Illinois Springfield campus on
Wednesday, October 2, 2013. Register by September 24 by clicki