ICMARC Associate Handbook August 2016

REQUEST FOR VERIFICATION A supervisor may request that an associate provide written verification from a doctor or health care provider for an appointment or treatment that requires an absence from work at any time. Abandonment of Position If an associate does not report to work on three consecutive days and fails to notify his/her supervisor as to the nature of the absence, it will be assumed that the associate has abandoned the position. (See “Attendance Guidelines, Reporting Late to Work” on page 32.) Abandonment of position will generally result in immediate termination of employment. ALTERNATIVE WORK ARRANGEMENTS ICMA‑RC supports alternative work arrangements in certain types of jobs and situations. Although not all jobs can be performed satisfactorily from non-headquarters locations or during non-regular business hours or days, ICMA‑RC recognizes that in some cases alternative work arrangements can provide a mutually beneficial option for both the corporation and its associates. The below terms are used to describe various alternative work arrangements. Following these definitions, additional information is provided for flextime schedules, compressed workweek, and telecommuting. Compressed workweek: An arrangement wherein the standard workweek for a full-time associate is compressed into fewer than five days, or the standard two-week cycle is compressed into fewer than ten days. Desk sharing: A work arrangement that enables two or more people – typically in the same department or division – to share the same desk or workspace by taking turns working in the office on specific, pre-arranged days or times. (Note that this differs from “shared workspace.”) Flexday: The day off during a week or during a two-week period that results from working a compressed workweek. Flextime: An arrangement wherein associates choose their starting and quitting times from a range of available hours. These periods are usually at either end of the corporation’s official office hours during which most company business takes place. Hoteling/telework center: An alternative work location that provides office space for associates working away from one of the corporation’s main offices. The hoteling/telework center may be located closer to the associate’s residence than the corporation’s main office(s) and usually provides personal or shared workspace, telecommunication links, and/or other technologies. Mobile worker: An associate who travels continuously and whose base work location is typically his/her home. The duties of these positions generally require the associate to meet and work on site with clients or customers who are dispersed throughout a region or geographic territory, such as those positions found in our Sales division. While these jobs may be enhanced by additional sets of technology, a mobile worker is not considered to be a telecommuter. Shared workspace: Common workspace area(s) in ICMA‑RC offices to which any telecommuting associate might be assigned on an as-needed basis. Usage of the workspace is typically scheduled in advance; phone lines, computers and network connectivity are provided; basic office supplies are shared; and no personal objects are left when the worker vacates the space for the day. (Note that this differs from “desk sharing.”)

Confidential — for Internal Use Only

Associate Handbook August 2016 | 34

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