U Magazine, Summer 1990

When they appear together, he usually tells a few jokes. She usually sings a song or two. But when Bob and

Dolores Hope addressed an appreciative Torero

Stadium crowd ofmore than 8, 000 graduates, family andfriends during May 27 under– graduate commencement ceremonies, it was the couple's message ofpeace and morality that captured their audience's attention and won much applause.




Following are excerpts Ji-om the Hopes ' remarks and the honorary degree citations presented to them.

"Bue, Mark Twain once said, 'I have never lee my schooling incerfere with my education .' He was righc. Your real education is abouc co begin . You've goccen the last grades you 'll ever gee in geomecry, hi sco ry and English lie. From now on you 'll be acce nding a far bigger and more imporranc classroom. And your grades will be for how well you do in devocion, compassion and self-respecc. Thar's the imporranc curriculum from now on ... "You' re encering a world in which concribucions can no longer be measured merely in terms of 'fascer,' 'bigger,' 'cheaper.' They muse now add co cheir

"There is scill some discance co go, bur never before has che world been so close co producing a di mace char allows all of God 's children co breache che air of freedom . I can'c cell you how wonderful ir felc a few weeks ago when I caped a TV special in Berlin , and I was able co walk up co a huge hole in che Berlin Wall, reach through and shake hands wich cwo East German border guards on che ocher side. I wasn ' t jusc shaking hands wich che future. "We' re finally reali zing, after a few lost generations, that in order co cruly have 'quality of life' we need more in che workplace chan just people who are brillianc of mind. We also need those who


,ecyonc of you young men and women have worked hard for che righc co walk across chis scage coday. You 've libraried, cerm-papered and pop-qui zzed your way through 1 G years of school.

reper~o ire che ,~ecessi,r\es of ch; 90s... cleaner, safer, saner. ..

8 U Magazine

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