2019 Winter Newsletter

museum for over two hours and then planned on a visit to the Sugar Creek Mission. Many of the visitors had relatives who had lived at Sugar Creek before founding the town of St. Mary’s, Kansas. Our newer addition to the museum of the Indian Room continues to create interest and enthusiasm for visi tors locally and from areas outside of Miami County. Many positive remarks and support have been given for our efforts to share our Native American heritage. Larry Lybarger.

On Saturday Oct. 6th, 73 visitors from St. Mary’s Kan sas came to see our exhibits in the Indian Room. Of special interest to the visitors were the artifacts from Sugar Creek. Most of the group of 73 visitors, were from the Catholic Church where Father Kenneth No vack serves. He organized the visit. He was very knowledgeable of the Sugar Creek Mission and the contribution of the Catholic priests and nuns who served in missionary work for the Potawatomie Indians. They were at the

Father Kenneth Novack

Kids checking out an old stero photo viewer

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