2019 Winter Newsletter


Officers and Directors 2017 Officers

President- Colleen Ewan Vice President- Larry Lybarger Secretary- Ann Roark Treasurer- LuAnne Debrick

913-294-5051 913-294-9769 913-294-3312 913-259-5027 913-406-3243 913-294-4113 913-259-5027 913-849-3366 913-377-4689 785-869-3246 913-731-7869 913-731-3193 913-755-3504 913-294-3312 913-294-2779 913-710-1767 913-849-3278 913-259-9837 913-244-4587 913-294-5051

Gift Corner Pg 3 Letter from the President Pg 4 Library Pg 4 Mini Minutes, Pg 5 Volunteers report Pg 6 Bernice Wallace Pg 7 Obits Vera & Thomas Pg 8 Museum receives grant Pg 9 Potawatomie roots Pg 13 Visitors & Christmas party Pg 15 Advice from the Past Pg 16 New Service Pg 17 Jack York’s treasurers Pg 18 Lloyd’s Letter Trail of death visitors St Marys church visit New Volunteers Pg 11 Pg 12

Board of Directors

Louisburg - Aggie Dillard

Marysville Township - Mildred Haley Member at Large - LuAnne Debrick Miami Township - Nina Gerken Middle Creek Township - Kristin Graue Mound Township - Donna Darner Osage Township - Ann Davis Osawatomie City- Wes Cole Osawatomie Township - Ben Maimer Paola City - Ann Roark Paola Township - Elsie Cordle Richland Township - LeAnne Shields Stanton Township - Lloyd Peckman Sugar Creek Township - Ann Benton Ten Mile Township - Patsy Bortner Valley Township - Colleen Ewan Wea Township - Larry Lybarger

Pg 10 -11

Pg 19-20-21

Publications for sale Heritage Walk Bricks Thank you letter

Pg 22 Pg 23

913-294-9769 Genealogy Society Coordinator- Betty Bendorf 913-557-2485 Newsletter - Roger Shipman 913-259-9219 Financial The Miami County Historical Museum is a Non-Profit Organi zation with a tax exempt status allowed by the Internal Revenue Dept. Gift and donations received by the Societies are deductible for Income Tax purposes. For additional information or questions

Back cover

Notice To The Membership The Miami County Historical Museum mem bership dues are $25.00 Make checks out to: Miami County Historical Museum 12 East Peoria, Paola, Kansas 66071-0123

regarding Endowments, Trusts, etc., Please contact us at 913-294-4940

A Newsletter of the Miami County Historical Museum & Genealogy Society Winter 2019 Volume 34- No.1 Miami County Historical Museum 12 E. Peoria, Paola, Kansas 66071

E-Mail: info@think miamicountyhistory.com

Phone: 913-294-4940

Web address; www.thinkmiamicountyhistory.com Museum Hours: Monday through Friday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

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