2019 Winter Newsletter

President’s Letter

Dear Friends: First, I want to thank all of those who helped fill the gap while I was home with a broken arm. I’m glad to be out and about again. Our Black History display is up. We are still working on the Miami County Court cases to get them into the computer. We have several new volunteers and Aggie Dillard was elected to fill the term on the Board of Jack Burcham who has moved to Kansas City. We have renovated the back bathroom and kitchen area and purchased new cabinets and refrigerator. The Christmas party was enjoyed by all volunteers and friends of the museum. A variety of food was prepared by the volun teers. Colleen Ewan, President

Colleen Ewan

LIBRARY I would like to introduce you to Ellen Welch. She recently retired from the Johnson County Library system and came to us to be a volunteer. She likes our research library and is fitting in very nicely. She is learning where everything is and how to use it. She will be helpful in moving our library into the new technology age. Right now Ellen is go ing through our many shelves of Family History books and including the many “surnames” in them, in other words, an “index” Library Research The following are walk-in researchers to the library recently and surnames or information being re searched. Patricia Davis (Roethel, Whitacre, Cook, Groh) Deanna Byers (Sybil Troxel 1934) Arvid Waller (Waller) Cynthia Wood (Wood, McGuirk, Weaver) Joyce Curran (Fritts, Brocker, Kries) Betty Bendorf , Librarian

Joseph Weber (Weber, White, Banks, Fields, Barber) Jeanne Pees (Duncan, Dunbar, Spring Grove) These researchers came from the states of Kansas, Mis souri, Colorado, Michigan Ellen Welch

Bill Fort (Farner, Fort, Scott) Steve and Peggy Close (Wynn)

The Museum has reprints of past Newsletters for sale at $2.00 an issue.

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