2019 Winter Newsletter

Mini Minutes cont. be visiting the Museum in September during the Trail of Death Caravan. Colleen has completed a list of the Probate files and Aggie will make an index to the file. Larry presented a plan to remodel the rest room and kitch en area. Larry purchased books on Native Americans and they will become part of an Indian Room Library that could possibly be checked out. (These are not part of our research library). OCTOBER Larry reported that the rest room and kitchen remodeling is completed. Money from the garage sale was used for this project. A group of 73 from St Marys Kansas visited the museum recently. Their interest was on the Potawatomie In dians. Larry reported that the Schwartz donation has been in vested at First Option. Aggie Dillard was nominated to replace Jack Burcham as a Director. Upcoming tours include a group of 30 Cub Scouts. The following Directors were nominated and elected for a term of 2 years, 2019 and 2020. Lloyd Peckman, Stanton Twp; Donna Darner, Mound Twp; Elsie Cordle, Paola Twp; Ann Davis, Osage Twp; Kristin Graue, Middle Creek Twp; Larry Lybarger . Wea Twp; LuAnne Debrick, Mem. At Large; Wes Cole, Osawatomie Twp. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Front Desk (1/2 or full day), computer input, arrang ing displays, moving help, grant writers, interviewers, history researchers

VOLUNTEER and VISITOR REPORT August 2018 Thru December 2018 Volunteers - 30 Hours - 2,022 Volunteers: Jr. Ayres, Betty Bendorf, Bud and Patsy Bortner, Ann Benton, Jim Bousman, Vera Dakin, Ann Davis, Luanne Debrick, Ed Dennerline, Aggie Dillard, Colleen Ewan, Nina Gerken, Rusty and Bo Gerken, Mildred Haley, Jeff Hartle, Iris Kluber, Larry Lybarg er, Lloyd Peckman, Teresa and Bob Read, Ann Roark, Leanne Shields, Roger Shipman, Stan Whisner, Karen Blumhorst, Karen Freehan, Ellen Welch and Arlene Meek .

Board Meetings - 5

Average Attendance - 12

Visitors- 525

States Represented -26

Kansas, Missouri, Florida, Illinois, California, Mary land, Oklahoma, Michigan, Idaho, Tennessee, Texas, South Dakota, Colorado, Oregon, North Carolina, Virginia, Nebraska, Arkansas, Ohio, Georgia, Pennsyl vania, Washington, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Mon tana and Hawaii.

Countries Represented – Spain and Germany

(This report includes a group of 43 from Indiana on the Potatawatomie Trail of Death. 73 from St. Mary’s Kansas regarding Trail of Death, 36 from Paola Pre School, 20 from the 5th grade at Sunflower School, 30 from Scout Troop 3100, and 21 from Scout Troop 100.

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