

hibition in London: and his application o f a re­ gulating balan ce-sp rin g, made o f hard-drawn gold wire o f a certain a llo y , is also an improvement on the steel spring, as not being liable to rust. For the invention of the Metallic Thermometer another medal was awarded to Mr. Jiiryensen at the London Exhibition. Ky Ill’s Establishment for Tomer Clocks , on the Vesterbro, is considered o f some repute. Hambroes (now Messrs. Hansen’s') Steam Rice and Flour M ill , w ith Bakery for Ship- biscuits attached, in Christianshavn, has obtained a high reputation. A considerable foreign trade is carried o n , more particularly with Newfoundland, England, and the Baltic. Fredens Mølles Fac­ tories, beyond the Amagerport, established by Mr. Omen , but now the property o f a Share-company, chiefly for the manufacturing of Patent Manure, and other chem ical productions. Deicliman’s Chocolate Factory on the F arim agsvei, Jacob­ sen’s Bavarian Beer Brewery at V aldb y, and B røndum ’s Steam Distillery in Snaregade, are also Establishments of note. The Piano Forte Manufactories of Copen­ hagen bear a high character, whence a large number o f Instruments find their w ay to foreign countries.

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