

appointed to be observed as one of thanksgiving, an d called Store Bededag. B ut, h ow ev er involved in o bscurity m ay be th e origin of this day to th e people generally, th ere is little d ou b t b u t that, from its being regulated by the falling o f E aster, it is a m oveable Fast, a day set a p a rt for general R epen tance and P r a y e r, an d first ap pointed in the reign of F re d e rik IV ., a fte r the custom a t th a t tim e p rev alen t in G erm any. H ere and there in the neighbourhood o f the ram p a rts m ay be seen a cannon ball em bedded in the side o f a house or w a ll: — they are rem iniscences o f 1807. A fter the unfo rtu n ate bom bardm ent in th a t y ear, balls w ere taken by som e from, the ruins and inserted as above sta te d , w ith the inscription " Venskabs Minde ” (F riendship’s Memorial) upon them . T h e balls still rem ain, bu t tim e has effaced the inscription, as w e hope it h as all the ill-feelings o f the people w hich n atu rally resulted from th a t "u n tow a rd event.” T h e D a n e s , it m ust be ack n ow led g ed , are unquestionably a k ind -h earted , h ap p y , and contented people. T he higher classes are courteous and h o sp ita b le : the lo w e r, in d o le n t, bu t w ithal quiet and orderly. D iffering from our ideas o f correctness (though I offer no opinion on the subject) the ladies here sit constantly a t the w indow , outside o f which is u su ally fastened a reflectin g -g lass, so comm on

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