

th is school th ere are several excellent p riv ate schools w ith the privilege of sending alum ni to the U niversity, of w hich Bohrs A cadem y in N ørregade is the largest, n um berin g a b o u t 3 0 0 pupils. Tw o schools for the education o f the children o f Citizens, term ed Borger-Dyden s one in C hristian sh avn (Hamme- rich’s), an d one in the City (Rimestad’s) are also schools of note. Mariboe’s, Friis3 s3 Melchior’s} and " Efterslægtens ” are also distinguished sc h o o ls: these are term ed R e a ls k o le r because practical and u sefu l know ledge are the p rim ary objects. Am ong the m an y Institution s for the instruction o f p oor children m ust be specified the Sunday Schools in C hristianshavn, founded and endowed b y P a sto r Massmann in 1800. T he ann ual m oving- d ay is k ep t as a fe stiv a l, an d the distribu tio n of prizes tak es place in one o f the M etropolitan c h u rch e s, w hen the reigning Sovereign generally atten ds.

Am ong the Institutions for E ducational p u r­

poses m ay p ro p erly be included:

Det Kongelige Blinde-Institute The Royal Asylum for the B lin d 3 founded in 1811 in the reign o f F red erik V I., and situate a t the corner o f

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