

Phone issues


Possible cause(s)

Possible solution(s)

Dependinguponyour phone, youmay have togrant SYNC permission to access your phonebook contacts. Make sure to confirm when prompted by your phone during the phonebook download. Go to the website to review your phone's compatibility. Try turning off the device, resetting the device or removing the device's battery, then trying again. Try deleting your device from SYNC, deleting SYNC from your device and trying again. Check the security and auto accept and prompt always settings relative to theSYNC Bluetooth connection on your phone. Update your device's firm- ware. Turn off the Auto phone- book download setting. Go to the website to review your phone's compatibility. Try turning off the device, resetting the device or removing the device's battery, then trying again.

I am having trouble connecting my phone to SYNC.

This is a phone-dependent feature. This may be a possible phone malfunction.

Text messaging is not working on SYNC.

This is a phone-dependent feature. This may be a possible phone malfunction.



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