



Missed calls Outgoing calls All calls If you are on a call, the call information is displayed on the information display. If you are receiving a call, you can accept it by selecting OK on the right-hand steering wheel controls. Incoming calls

1 Depending on your vehicle options, all of these choices may not display. Use the OK and arrowbuttons on the right side of your steering wheel to scroll through the available modes. The selectionmenu expands and different options appear. • Press the up and down arrows to scroll through the modes. • Press the right arrowto enter themode, use the left arrow to exit the mode. • Press the up and down arrows tomake

Voice: Press to start a voice session. Press again to stop the voice prompt and immediately begin speaking. Press and hold to end a voice session. SEEK NEXT: • While in radio mode, press to seek between memory presets. • While in USB, Bluetooth Audio or CD mode, press to seek between songs or press and hold to fast seek. SEEK PREVIOUS: • While in radio mode, press to seek between memory presets. • While in USB, Bluetooth Audio or CD mode, press to seek between songs or press and hold to fast seek. PHONE ACCEPT: Press to answer a call or switch between calls. PHONE REJECT: Press to end a call or reject an incoming call. Note: On some models, SEEK NEXT may be combined with PHONE REJECT and SEEK PREVIOUS may be combined with PHONE ACCEPT. M: Touch the control repeatedly to switch between media sources (modes). See SteeringWheel (page 66). Using Your Bezel Controls Depending on your vehicle and option package, youmay also have these controls on your instrument panel:

adjustments within the chosen mode. • Press OK to confirm your selection. Note: If your vehicle is not equipped with navigation, compass appears in the display instead of navigation. If you press the right arrow to go into the compassmenu, you can see the compass graphic. The compass displays the direction in which the vehicle is traveling, not true direction (for example, if the vehicle is traveling west, the middle of the compass graphic displayswest; north displays to the left of west though its true direction is to the right of west). UsingtheSteeringWheelControls Depending on your vehicle and option package, you can use different controls on your steering wheel to interact with the touchscreen system in different ways. VOL: Control the volume of audio output. Mute: Mute the audio output.



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