The Gazette 1988


JUNE 1988


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The publication designed to ensure that the practitioner is fully conversant w i th all recent decisions of the superior courts. We are now pleased to bring you the second issue wh i ch will be published this week. Sub- scriptions should be made as soon as possible due to demand. Fax services available to present subscribers. Regular issues of current volume £95 . 00 per annum

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Royal College of f Surgeons in Ireland





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AREYOUTHINKINGOFMAKINGAWILL, COVENANT, LEGACYORDONATION? Please consider the ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS IN IRELAND The R.C.S.I, was founded in 1784. It conducts an International Undergraduate Medical School for the training and education of Doctors. It also has responsibility for the further education of Surgeons, Radiologists, Anaesthetists, Dentists and Nurses. Many of its students come from Third World Countries, and they return to work there on completion of their studies. Medical Research is also an important element of the College's activities. Cancer, Thromboses, Blindness, Blood Pressure, Mental Handicap and Birth Defects are just some of the human ailments which are presently the subject of detailed research. The College is an independent and private institution which is financed largely through gifts, donations, and endowments. Your assistance would be very much appreciated, and would help to keep the College and Ireland in the forefront of Medical Research and Education. For tax purposes, the R.C.S.I, is regarded by the Revenue Commissioners as a Charity. Therefore, gifts and donations may qualify the donors for tax relief. For further information about the College's activities, please contact: The Registrar, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2.

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