The Gazette 1988



Es tab l i shment of Valuat ion Tr ibunal and Appo i n tment of Commi ss i oner of Valuat ion


A fee in accordance w i th the scale below must be paid in respect of each appeal to the Tribunal. It will no longer be necesary to enter into a recognisance. Each rating authority is required by section 21 of the Valuation (Ireland) Act 1852 to give public notice of the receipt of the appeal decisions of the availability of Valuation Lists for inspection. The relevant notices should have been published during the period 27 - 29 July in the newspapers circulating in your area. The appeal fee, which should be made payable to the Registrar, Valuation Tribunal, is as follows:

The Minister for Finance on 25 th July 1988 announced the estab- lishment by Ministerial Order of the Valuation Tribunal provided for under the Valuation Act 1988. The main purpose of the Tribunal is to hear appeals against the decisions of the Commissioner of Valuation in relation to the rateable valuation of property. The Tribunal replaces the Circuit Court hearings in relation to these appeals. The members of the Tribunal are: Chairman: Mr. Hugh 0'Flaherty S.C., D u b l i n; Vice-Chairman: M s. Mary Devins, Solicitor, Sligo; Vice- Chairman: Mr. Paul Butler BL„ Dublin; Member: Mr. Brian O'Farrell, Dublin. Further appointments to the Tribunal will be made at a later date. Ap a r t f r om cases already appealed to the Circuit Court, appeals against the Commi s- sioner's determinations will hence- forth be lodged w i th the Tribunal and not w i th the Circuit Court (1988 Act, Section 3(5)). The Notice of Appeal must go direct to the Tribunal and not through the local authority.


Valuation of property as determined by Commissioner of Valuation

M . Anse l l, M . A . , 98 The Broadway, Heme Bay, Kent CT6 8EY, Eng l and Tel. (03 02273) 67929 (24 Hours)

Appeal Fee




less than £100

£100 to £499 £500 or over

£100 £150

CONT INUING LEGAL EDUCATION — Fo r t hcomi ng Semi nars —

Su b j e ct

Co n s u l t a n ts T. Kevin Smith

Da te

T i me

Thurs. 27 th Oct.


Hotel and Restaurant

Licences Planning Law

Stephen O'C. Miley Kieran P. O'Malley BE

Wed. 2nd Nov.

9.30am- 5.30pm

Techno l ogy: (Jury's Hotel) Conveyancing Support

Frank Lanigan James Heney Michael Browne Sharon Walsh John M. Bourke Mary Grace Blake


Tues. 15th Nov.


How to use your PC


Tues. 15th Nov.


Introducing Word

Wed. 16th Nov.



David Beattie David Gardiner

Wed. 16th Nov.



Anthony E. Collins

Conduct of Meetings Compulsory Acquisition

Thurs. 24 th Nov. Mon. 28 th Nov.

9.30am- 5.30pm

Enda Gearty

Prof. Richard Woulfe Sean McDermott,

Property Arbitrator Sem i n a rs w i l l be he ld in B l a c k h a ll P l ace un l ess o t h e r w i se s t a t ed. For further details and application forms see brochure circulated w i th September Gazette

or c o n t a c t

Geraldine Pearse, Phone 710711.


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