The Gazette 1988



BADM I NTON Now t hat t he Law So c i e ty Badminton Club has been firmly established w i th some notable successes, from the Law Society team already under its belt, we are l ook i ng for s t uden ts for the 1988 - 89 badminton season. The Law Society Badminton Club began life in January 1988 w i th generous sponsorship from the Finance Committee of the Law Society, Kings Inns and Corrigan & Corrigan, Solicitors. The club, which combines the talents of students from both Blackhall Place and Kings Inns, entered a team in the Badminton Intervarsities in Limerick. The team, w i th the talents of Jun i or I n t e r na t i onal A i l een Donnelly and former interprovincial players Paudie O'Mahoney, Ciaran Wa l ker and N i cho la Hayden performed wi th distinction. Ex- cellent results we re achieved against UCC and Jordanstown University and the highlight was in drawing wi th the eventual winners of the event, UCD. This season the Badminton Inter- varsities will be held in Belfast, and we hope that w i th the necessary support, we will bring back the cup to Dublin. Anyone interested in joining the Law Society Badmi n t on Club should contact Ciaran Walker at 888268.

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S i ng le or Doub le — £ 1 5 . 00 per n i ght ( B r eak f ast i nc l uded)

Also available at Weak-ends

Some members of the Law Society Badminton team. Back — left to right: Paudie O'Mahoney, Martin Hayden, Ciaran Walker and Michael Corrigan. Front: Conleth O'Reilly, Nicola Hayden and Aileen Donnelly.

Telephone: 710711


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