The Gazette 1988



F r om the Pres ident . . .

I r i sh St enog r aphe rs L imi t ed

During my year, I have tried to improve communication w i th you, t he membe r s. I have a l ways believed in the adage — " Kn ow the person on the other side of the notepaper". You the members must know and be informed as to what is happening in your profession. Now that I am finishing I am leaving you in good hands. By the time you read this, my successor, who will be (subject to electoral process) Maurice Curran will be in office. During the year we have had very close co-operation so that there will be a continuity in all aspects of policy wh i ch were started this year. I wish him every success and I know that he will be an excellent Pr es i dent and t h a t he w i ll appreciate as I did, the support of each and everyone of the members. It has been a signal honour to me to have served as your President. It is a year that Yvonne and I will remember for all our lives. It took a lot of time and effort (in my view approximately 7 0% of my time). It is well wo r th it to serve the profession of wh i ch I am proud to be a member. Goodbye and thank you. The Society received the following communication from the Depart- ment of Justice regarding delays in the Land Registry: " The extent of the delay in the registration of transfers of part varies from section to section depending upon the availability of staff resources. The overall average delay at present is 12.6 months." • c l í v T U ^ DELAYS I N THE L A ND REGI STRY


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Contact: Secretary, "Hillcrest", Dargle Valley, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Telephone: 01-862184

Re f l e c t i ons I cannot believe that almost a year has passed since I first wrote this column in the Gazette and that I have now completed the end of my term as President. So much has happened that it has only emphasised to me the extent of the change which is happening in our system. This change has given us a c ha l l enge w h i ch has been answered by the profession in the past 12 months. We have shown t hat we are prepared to self improve, to change our systems and to provide the services wh i ch the public require us to give. I have noted in my travels throughout the countryside a growing optimism that the profession is coming out of a recessionary period and that solicitors can see a future for themselves in our country. For this mood to continue to grow, it is necessary that the relationship of the Law Society to its members must grow closer and develop. The work of the Society must ensure that the solicitor is provided w i th all the services he needs to develop his office. The President and Council of the Society must not be afraid to lead the profession perhaps into areas wh i ch may offend the natural conservative instincts of some solicitors. The members must not be apathetic or afraid to express their views either at local or general meetings. The debate engendered by the advertising issue is, in my v i ew, ve ry hea l t hy for t he profession.


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