The Gazette 1988

The Lawyers Desk Diary 1989 HAVE YOU ORDERED YOUR LAWYERS DESK DIARY FOR 1989? Two f o rma ts are available — PAGE-A-DAY and WEEK-TO-VIEW, both A4 size.

The Diary con t a i ns Cou rt Da t es a nd a Directory of Suppl i ers a nd Services to t he legal profess ion. Make sure you obtain your copy and thereby cont r ibute to t he Solicitors Benevo l ent Association, which will benef it f r om sales. An order f o rm for t he Diary is inc luded in this issue of t he Gazet te. Reduce your tax bill by increasing tourism. Experts predict that the potential for growth in Irish tourism is enormous. To help optimise this opportunity, special legislation has been introduced to allow substantial tax relief on investments in qualified tourism projects, up to 1991. Particularly for those in the higher tax brackets, this is a unique opportunity to benefit both themselves and the country. You can enjoy tax relief up to 5:25,000 per annum in each tax year for the duration of the scheme. Relief is available at your highest rate of income tax. If you can't get tax relief for all your investment in a year of assessment, either because your investment exceeds the maximum 5:25,000 or because your income in that year is insufficient to absorb all of it, you can carry forward the unrelieved amount into subsequent years, up to 1990-91. Contact Bord Failte for an explanatory booklet.

(SL Bord Failte VQy Irish lourist Board Baggot Street Bridge, Dublin 2. Tel: (01) 765871.

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