The Gazette 1988



Cor respondence

SOLICITORS GOLFING SOCIETY International (Tom Shaw) Prize The Presidents Prize was played at Mullingar Golf Club on the 9 th September 1988, the following are the results: Winner: Patrick Tracy 15-44 pts. Runner up: John O'Donnell 13-41 pts. Third: Gerry Sheehan 17-40 pts. Ryan Cup (Handicap 13 over) Winner: Denis McDowall 14-40 pts. Runner up: Tom D u f f y 1 3 - 39 pts. Director Generals Cup Eamonn Carolan 9 - 34 pts. Winner: (Handicap 12 and under) Noel O'Mara 12-40 pts. Runner up: Brian O'Sullivan 6 - 39 pts.

En g l a n d: Eric Auckland, David Barker, Alan Bull, John Jenkins, Craig Mitchell, And r ew Rudkin, Mi chael Harvey, Pat Hill, Ian Newton, Henry Marshall, Brian Petifor, Bev Charles, Nick Stones. Richard Bennett Secretary

12 October 1988

Mr. James J. Ivers, Director General, The Law Society, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7. POWER OF ATTACHMENT FINANCE ACT 1988 Dear Mr. Ivers, I w i sh to refer again to your further letter of 27 July last and reminder of 9 September in relation to the power of attachment provided for in the Finance Act, 198. I can c o n f i rm t h a t mon i es received by a solicitor for a client and held by him in a client account prior to paying the net proceeds to a financial institution on foot of a prior undertaking to the institution (as part of, and in accordance with, the normal arrangements under wh i ch the transaction giving rise to such monies is being effected) will not be deemed by the Revenue Commissioners as a debt due by t he s o l i c i t or f or a t t a c h m e nt p u r p o s es and t he Revenue Commissioners will not seek to attach such monies. I hope that this clarifies the position for you: the delay in replying, due to pressure of official business, is regretted. Yours sincerely,

LAW SCHOOL TUTORS T he L aw S c h o ol w o u l d be p l ea s ed t o hear f r om p r a c t i t i o n e rs w h o w o u l d be ava i l ab le t o t u t o r on t h e A p p r e n t i c es P r o f e s s i o n al Co u r s e.

First Nine: Eugene Cush Second Nine: David Dillon

9 - 22 pts.

14-21 pts.

(Last Six) Best score

30 miles


over: Brendan Duke

9 - 38 pts.

T h o se i n t e r e s t ed s h o u ld c o n t a c t :






Patrick Carolan

Ninety-three players competed.

PROFESSOR WOULFE in t he Law School Tel.: 7 1 0 7 11

International Match Solicitors Golfing Society -v- Law Society Golf Club The annual match be tween the Go l f i ng Soc i e ty and the Law Society Golf Club (England and Wales) took place on the 12th & 13th September at A l wood l ey and Fulford Golf Clubs in Yorkshire. The Irish t e am was royally entertained and, no doubt, as a result emerged victorious by a single point taking home to these s ho r es t he Pe r pe t ual Trophy donated to the event last year by Brian Petifor. The teams representing both countries were: I r e l a n d : Cy r il Os b o u r ne (Captain), Gerry Walsh, Cyril Coyle, Richard Bennett, Bernard Jordan, Owen O'Brien, Bill Jolley, Brian O'Brien, David Walsh, Tommy O'Reilly, Padraig Gearty, John Bourke.

Ray MacSharry T.D. Minister for Finance, Dublin 2.



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