The Gazette 1988



37. Herman -v- Jeuchner

(1885) 15 QBD

12. Adams -v- Morgan & Co. 11924] 1 KB 751. 13. Cf. Brittain -v- Lloyd (1845) 14 M & W 762; Adams -v- Morgan & Co. 11924] 1 KB 751. 14. Cf. Toplis -v- Grane (1839) 5 Bing N.C. 636; Moore -v- Moore (1611) 1 Bults. 169. 15. E.g. del credere agents: see Morris -v- C/easby (1816) 4 M & S 566; Hopper -v- Treffry (1847) 1 Exch. 17. 16. A non-contractual agency can arise in a number of circumstances, such as a lack of capacity or a failure to comply with formalities: Craven-Ellis -v- Canons Ltd. [1936] 2 KB 403. 17. Sheffield Corporation -v- Barclay. 18. Brook's Wharf -v- Goodman, Fridman and McLeod, Restitution (1982) chs. 11 and 16. 19. Ed. see Hardoon -v- Beli/os [1901] AC 118. The position may also be similar where the agent is acting as surety. 20. An Outline of the Law of Agency, (2nd ed„ 1986), p.105. 21. Reynolds, Bowstead on Agency (15th ed., 1985) pp. 2 4 7 - 2 48 (footnote omitted). 22. Chappell -v- Bray (1860) 6 H&N 145. 23. Lacey -v- Hill, Crowley's Claim (1874) LR 18 Eq 182; Williams -v- Lister & Co. (1913) 109 LT 699; Halbronn -v- Inter- national Horse Agency and Exchange Ltd. [1903] 1 KB 270; Tomlinson -v- Scottish Amalgamated Silks Ltd. (Liquidators) 1935 SC (HL) 1. 24. Brittain -v- Lloyd (1845) 14 M & W 762; Adams -v- Morgan & Co. Ltd. [1924) 1. 25. Rhodes -v- Fielder, Jones and Harrison (1919) 89 LJKB 15. 26. (1919) 89 LJKB 15. 27. Anglo Overseas Transport Ltd. -v- Titan Industrial Corpn. (UK) Ltd. [1959] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 152. 28. Bayliffe -v- Butterworth (1847) 1 Exch 425. 29. Cf. Pettman -v- Keble (1850) 9 CB 701. See also Broom -v- Hall (1859) 7 CB (NS) 503; 77»e Millwall [1905] P 155; Waliersteiner -v- Moir (No. 2) [19751 QB 373. 30. The James Seldon (1866) LR 1 A & E 62; Williams -v- Lister & Co. (1913) 109 LT 699; Simpson and Miller -v- British Industries Trust Ltd. (1923) 39 TLR 286. 31. Cf. Re Ho/lebone's Agreement [1959] 2 All ER 152; Perishable Transport Co. Ltd. -v- Spyropoulos (London) Ltd. [19641 2 Lloyd's Rep. 379; Fraser -v- Equitorial Shipping Co. Ltd. and Equitorial Lines [1979] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 103. 32. Capp -v- Topham (1805) 6 East 392; Hurst -v- Holding (1810) 3 Taunt 32; Barron -v- Fitzgerald (1840) 6 Bing. NC 201; Davison -v- Fernandes (1889) 6 TLR 73; Ellis -v- Pond [1898] 1 QB 4 2 6 (breached duty of obedience); Thomas -v- Atherton (1878) 10 CHD185; Solloway -v- McLaughlin [1938] AC 247. 33. (1932) 4 2 Lloyd's Rep. 252. 34. Warwick -v- Slade (1811) 3 Camp 127 (where authority had been validly revoked before the act was done by the agent); Bowlby -v- Bell (1846) 3 CB 284. 35. Ex p. Mather (1979) 3 Ves. 373. 36. Adamson -v- Jarvis (1827) 4 Bing 66; Pidgeon -v- Burslem (1849) 3 Ex 465; Smith -v- Undo (1858) 5 CB (NS) 587; Scott -v- Jackson (1865) 19 CBNS 134.

41. Cf. The Borag [1980] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 111 (appeal; [1981] 1 WLR 274). Cf. Re Morris [1908] 1 KB 473; Sweet -v- Pym (1800) 1 East 4; Earl Bristol -v- Wilsmore (1823) 1 B & C 514. 42. Law of Lien (1988), p. 9 5 (emphasis added.) 43. Curtis -v- Bridge (1885) 14 QBD 460.

561. 38. Barron -v- Fitzgerald (1840) 6 Bing NC 201. 39. (1846) 8 QB 685. 40. Op. cit., pp. 3 0 4 - 3 0 5 ( f o o t n o te omitted).


1 February, 1989 Criminal Lawyers Association Seminar. Forensic Medicine — new developments. Chairman: Dr. J o hn Ha r b i s o n, S t a te Pathologist. Proposed Speakers: Dr. Maureen Smith, Forensic Scientist, Dept. of Justice; Dr. Sheila Willis, Forensic Scientist, Dept. of Justice and Mr. Ron Yaxley, Sales and Marketing Manager, I.C.I. Cellmark. 7.30pm- 9 . 3 0 pm, P r e s i d e n t 's Hall, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7. 23 February, 1989 Medico-Legal Society of Ireland. The pros and cons of screening for women. Speaker: Dr. Peter Skrabanek, Dept. of Community Health, Trinity College, Dublin. 8.30pm. United Service Club, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2. 30 March, 1989 Medico-Legal Society of Ireland. DNA Profiles - the Identikit of the Future. Spea k e r: Dr. Maureen Smyth, Ph.D., Forensic Scientist, Department of Justice. 8.30pm. United Service Club, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2.

20 January, 1989 Irish Planning Institute. One Day Conference. Planning Compen- sation. Gresham Hotel, Dublin. For further details Tel. 892119.

25 January, 1989 CLE Seminar. Jurisdiction

of of


and Enforcement

Judgments (European


ities) Act, 1988. Consultant: Dav id J. Clarke, So l i c i t o r. 2 . 30 - 6 . 00pm. Blackhall Place, Dublin 7. 26 January, 1989 Medico-Legal Society of Ireland. Alternatives to Custody. Speaker: District Justice Gillian M. Hussey. United Service Club, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2. 8.30pm. 27 January 1989 CLE Seminar. Book-Keeping. (For Solicitors' Book-keepers). 2 . 3 0 pm - 6 . 0 0 p m. B l a c k ha ll Place, Dublin 7. and Carriage by Air. Consultants: Tony O'Connor, Solicitor, Eugene S t u a r t, De p u ty D i r ec t or of Co n s umer A f f a i r s. 4 . 0 0 pm- 6.00pm. Blackhall Place, Dublin 7. 31 January 1989 CLE Seminar. Carriage of Goods by Road and Sea. Consultants: Petria McDonnell, Solicitor and Bryan J. Strahan, Solicitor. 7 . 0 0 p m - 9 . 0 0 p m. B l a c k ha ll Place, Dublin 7. 31 January, 1989 CLE Seminar. Holidays

4-7 May, 1989 Law Society Annual Conference. Hotel Europe, Killarney, Kerry.

Fu r t her C LE Saminars may be had by consulting the CLE Brochure circulated w i t h the November Gazette, or by c o n t a c t i ng Geraldine Pearse at 710711. de t a i ls on

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