The Gazette 1988



Computers — where to start


The "P.C. DEAL", details o f which have been circulated t o the pro- fession recently is a good place to start, f ti spossible t o get a good wordprocessor and a laser printer for about £3,500.00 (about half the current retail price). Later you can expand on the uses of the machine to encompass accounts o r other software packages, but i t is a good idea to start w i th wordprocessing because i ti ssimple. Start-up There are start-up problems and you have got to organise yourself for them. The more preparation done before t h e compu t er i s installed the smoother it s intro- duction will be for all. Decide what will be done on the wordprocessor initially and set that work aside so that th e typist can understand what is expected of her when she makes th e transition t oword- processor operator. Discuss w i th your supplier what you expect o f the wordprocessor and ask him to tailor th e training accordingly. Training i snot cheap (£100/£150 per day) but i ti svital t o have a t least three days training t oget the best use out o f your word- processor. Ask a colleague Mo s t peop le app r e c i a te t h e advantages o f wordprocessing a t this stage even though they may not have a wordprocessor. If you do not, the best way to find out is to discuss i tw i th a colleague who i s currently using wordprocessing. He or she will tell you about th e increased turnaround time and the quantum increase in productivity as well as the initial problems setting the thing up, and the day the printer would not work when a lease had

grips w i th words like "operating system", "storage" and "memo r y" before moving o n from word- processing t osoftware, wh i ch will d other functions such a s accounting and time recording. Printers I would advise that Solicitors should opt for laser printing despite the fact that Lasers are about twice the cost o f th e traditional Do t Matrix and Daisywheel printers - they have the advantage o f being faster, quieter and less accident prone than th e others. This i s important i n that we have found that a t least 5 0% o f our break- downs o r computer problems are printer related. A good laser should last for a t least four years. Te c hno l ogy C omm i t t ee handbook is an essential tool when looking for information. A copy of the handbook was sent t o al l practices and i thas chapters o n c o n t r a c t s, r equ i r emen ts o f a Solicitors practice, how to purchase a computer, pitfalls and warnings and i talso contains a recommend- ed list o f suppliers w i th a thumb- nail sketch of each. The handbook is easy t o read and i swritten i n English (not jargon). The "Dea l" Finally, I would like to recommend the computer deal t oyou. The memb e rs o f t h e Te c hno l ogy Committee have examined th e hardware and software and ar e satisfied that the computer, printer and wordprocessing package are of a good and robust standard and the computer ha s th e capacity o f expansion i fmore screens are to be added at a later stage. Do not wait around for a better offer - there may not be one. COLMAN P. CURRAN Solicitor Handbook The


Mrs. "X" is in her late 40's, she is the widow of a Solicitor, has five children under 21. Her only income is a widow's pension and family allowance. She has to provide for her family and maintain a home. She faces this enormous responsibility alone. Who can she turn to for help? — The Solicitors' Benevolent Fund.

The Solicitors' Benevolent Association assists such cases - and many others where the age of dependants of members of the profession ranges from "under 10" to "over eighty". The Committee of the Association meets monthly and it s work covers the entire country, north an d south. Th e Committee funds come from annual subscriptions from members o f the Law Society of Northern Ireland and The Incorpor- ated Law Society of Ireland, together with additional subscriptions received from Bar Associations, and individual Solicitors o r firms of Solicitors. In recent years the calls on the Association's resources have become more numerous and this year the Committee faces a relatively large deficit. I turgently needs extra funds. Subscriptions can be sent to the Secretary, Ms Clare Leonard, The Solicitors' Benevolent Association, 40 Lr. Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2, or c/o The Law Society, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7 .

Dr Keith W Snape FORENSIC HANDWRITING EXPERT Leaflet available Highfield, Billinge End Road, Pleasington, Blackburn, Lanes,

to be re-drafted urgently. Expansion possibilities

England BB2 6QY Tel: 03 0254 581555

It i s important to become familiar w i th your computer and to come to

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