The Gazette 1988



grounds for misconduct and in the absence of an adequate explana- tion will report such findings to the Pr es i dent of t he H i gh Cou rt accordingly. Mr. Michael Hogan was appoint- ed to the Committee in October 1987 for a period of five years. I would like to express my thanks to the members of the Committee for all their hard work and assist- ance during the year. Not alone do

t he memb e rs give up many valuable hours attending Com- mi t t ee hearings, but are also involved in reading the papers relating to each case, wh i ch some- times run into hundreds of pages. A special word of thanks is due to Ms. Mary Lynch, the Clerk to the Committee, whose invaluable assist- ance and dedication to the work of the Committee during the past year is greatly appreciated. •

The Disciplinary Committee is a fact finding body. After an inquiry s h o u ld t he C omm i t t ee f i nd mi s conduct it must report its findings to the President of the High Court. The Disciplinary Committee has no power to impose any penalty or sanction on a solicitor but may recommend that a solicitor be struck off the Roll of Solicitors, suspended, or the imposition of a fine, payment of expenses or other a p p r o p r i a te s a n c t i on to t he President of the High Court. The f u n c t i on to ac cept any such recommendation is vested only in the President of the High Court. The President of the High Court will consider the report received from the Disciplinary Committee and may strike the name of a solicitor off the Roll of Solicitors or make any ancillary order as the Court may think fit. This year the Committee noted w i t h concern that the basis of the majority of complaints was the failure of solicitor-respondents to reply to co r r espondence f r om complainants and the Society, or to attend meetings of the Registrar's Committee of the Law Society when requested to do so. I would like to take this opportunity to emp h a s i se to s o l i c i t o rs t he i mp o r t a n ce of r e p l y i ng to co r r espondence and a t t end i ng meetings of the Registrar's Com- mittee. This Committee views and will continue to view these failures as very serious and as sufficient

SOLICITORS BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION The Solicitors Benevolent Association is pleased to announce that Mr. Thomas A. Menton of O'Keeffe & Lynch, Solicitors, Dublin, and Miss Rosemary Kearon of Ulster Bank Limited, Legal Department, have been appointed Metropolitan Directors and Mr. Niall Kennedy of Kennedy Frewen & Co., Tipperary, has been appointed Provincial Director of the Association. •

N O T I C E NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the One Hundred and Twenty-Fifth Annual General Meeting of the SOLICITORS BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION will be held at the Incorporated Law Society's Building, Blackhall Place, Dublin, on Thursday, the 9th of March, 1989, at 12 noon: 1. To consider the annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 30 th November, 1988. 2. To elect Directors. 3. To deal w i th other matters appropriate to a General Meeting. Clare Leonard, Secretary. Mercedes at prices that won't drive you around the benz! The Pandora Motor Company can supply any new right hand drive Mercedes- Benz, direct f r om Germany. PANDORA competitive price and with a delivery time of only 12 to 16 weeks. It's the o p t i mum way to buy Mercedes. For further details please phone: 01-698396 or car phone: 088-558242. Pandora also offer a multi-optional executive lease hire scheme for both neve and previously owned vehicles. The cars can be supplied to y ou to any specification required, at a most


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