A National Imperative: Joining Forces to Strengthen Human Services in America (Jan 2018)


For purposes of this report, we have defined human services CBOs as 501(c)(3) public charities (nonprofit organizations) belonging to the following National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) Major Groups (and codes): Mental Health & Crisis Intervention (F), Crime & Legal-Related (I), Employment (J), Food, Agriculture & Nutrition (K), Housing & Shelter (L), Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness & Relief (M), Youth Development (O), and Human Services (P). The total universe of these organizations we refer to as the human services sector. This definition attempts to limit the focus of analysis to nonprofit organizations embedded in and providing critical support in the formof human services to the community. A variety of organizations do not meet this definition even as they may be involved in delivering human services – and may even be critical to the strength and vitality of the community. Such organizations include: nonprofit organizations whose principal functions are not related to traditional human services, such as arts and culture institutions, recreation and sports organizations, and community associations; universities; churches and other religious institutions; for-profit providers of health care and human services; and for-profit and nonprofit health care systems, such as hospitals.


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