BASA Member Update 9.28.18


September 2018

Program Purpose

In a competitive job market, attracting individuals into the education profession, preparing them successfully for the reality of K-12 classrooms, and recruiting them into our most needed positions and districts can be challenging. Ensuring that Ohio will have a strong teacher pipeline in the years to come is of utmost importance to ensure that each child in Ohio has an excellent educator. To do this, entities must work together to achieve this shared goal of growing and strengthening the new teacher pipeline. The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) and Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) are together, offering a competitive grant opportunity to establish and foster partnerships that will help strengthen Ohio’s teacher pipeline for years to come. The grant opportunity provides funds to Ohio’s K-12 districts and schools alongside the appropriate Ohio educator preparation partnership(s). The partnership must be focused on developing a mutually accountable plan of action related to attracting and recruiting teachers, with a focus on aligning to local district and school human capital needs as well as the pipeline issues of the regional area. The plan must be driven by qualitative and quantitative data findings of all partners. This will require open communication and collaboration that is centered on the underlying root-causes facing the partners and the best solutions for strengthening the teacher pipeline in your context. The plan should show that all parties are mutually accountable in this work and have aligned needs and solutions through the project. 1. The plan must be for three years of action and sustainability; funds not related to this grant must be considered for longer term sustainability to implement the plan developed. 2. Grantees will be required to share their developed action plan with both departments and present plans to a broader human capital leader community in Ohio. 3. Grantees will submit a final report to the Departments at the end of grant, and offer updates at times throughout the grant project timeline when needed. The application must clearly highlight why a partnership should be funded and how they prepare to go about working together to develop a mutually accountable plan of action. Applications must include: 1. Format: Proposals must be submitted in Arial Font, 12 points or larger and double spaced. Tables and images contained within the proposal may be single spaced. Please see below for page allocations and directions for each section of the proposal. Proposal Requirements Proposals that focus on diversification of the teacher pipeline will be given competitive points. Terms and Conditions There will be unique terms and conditions required upon award and completion of grant activities.

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