The Gazette 1949-1952

Final Examination A t the Final Examination for apprentices to solicitors, held on the ioth, n th and 12th days of September, the following passed the examination, and their names are arranged in order o f merit:— 1. Mary C. C. O’Mahony. 2. Donal G. Binchy. 3. Patrick J . O’Driscoll. 4. James Cawley. 5. Der- mot F. Jones. 6. Cahir F. M. Davitt. 7. Mervyn H. Taylor. 8. Patrick J. Creagh. 9. Eunice D. J. Spendlove. 10. Jasper H. Swanton. 1 1 . Michael C. O’Driscoll. 12. Francis P. Byrne. 13. Michael J . Harnett. 14. Henry Kelly. 15. Patrick J. O ’Gara. 16. John F. X . Campbell. 17. Michael Kenefick. 18. Cecil Lavery. 19. Mary A. B. M. E. Callery. 20. Una O’Higgins. 21. Timothy F. J. O ’Toole. 22. Joseph Griffin. 23. Myles C. Murphy. 24. James H. Mackey. 25. Michael K . O’Driscoll. 26. Teresa B. Whelan. 27. Daniel M. F. Molloy. 28. Dermot J . A. J. Devlin. 29. Patrick J. Conway. Thirty-five candidates entered, 29 candidates passed, 6 failed. The remaining candidates are postponed. The Council has awarded Silver Medals to Mary C. C. O’Mahony, Donal G. Binchy, Patrick J. O’Driscoll, and James Cawley, and a Special Certificate to Dermot F. Jones. Scholarships, 1951 T he Findlater Scholarship was awarded to Liam Desmond McGonagle who served his apprentice­ ship with the late Mr. Christopher McGonagle, 34 Upper O’Connell Street, Dublin, and Mr. Thomas K . O’Connor, 4 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin. The Overend Final Examination Scholarship (Real Property and Conveyancing) was awarded to Mary C. C. Q’Mahony who served her apprentice­ ship with Mr. T. C. Gerard O’Mahony, 32 Moles- worth Street, Dublin. LEGAL APPOINTMENTS M r . M yles G avagan has been appointed Chief Examiner o f Title in the Irish Land Commission. Mr. Gavagan was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1936, and was until recently principal Assistant Solicitor in the Office of the Solicitor to the Irish Land Commission. THE REGISTER Register B Solicitor (lady), at present employed, desires position with Dublin firrp. Box B153.

Section C F or S ale — Butterworth’s Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents. Complete. Box No. C 129. JAMES ANTHONY, RATHSTEWART, ATHY, CO. KILDARE. W il l any person who holds, or may know of the existence of, any Will or testamentary document made by the above- named, who died on the 8th September, 1951, please com­ municate with the undersigned as soon as possible. :— M. M. Halley, Solicitor, 5 George’s Street, Waterford. WILL SOUGHT K athleen M ary W righ t (nee O’Hara), wife of Major A. E. Wright, late of 68 Cowper Road, Dublin, and other addresses around Dublin, deceased. Will any person having informa­ tion as to the preparation or whereabouts of any Will of the above-named deceased, please communicate with the under­ signed. Information is also sought as to documents or share certificates held on her behalf. Brennan & Brennan, Solicitors, 1 College Street, Dublin. REGISTRATION OF TITLE ACTS, 1891 and 1942 NOTICE Folios 6393 and 6394 C ounty C ork Registered Owner : D enis O’C onnell . An application has been made by the registered owner to the Registrar o f Titles for the issue o f a Certificate of Title in substitution for the Certificate specified in the Schedule hereto, which, it is alleged, has been lost or inadvertently destroyed. The Registrar o f Titles will issue a duplicate Certificate unless he is notified within 28 days from the date of this Notice that the said Certificate o f Title is still in existence and in the custody o f some person other than the above-named registered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the Certificate in question is being held. Dated this 16th day o f November, 1951. J oseph O’B yrne , Registrar o f Titles. Land Registry, Central Office, Chancery Street, Dublin. S chedule above referred to Land Certificate o f Denis O’Connell to 48a. 3r. 2 ip. of the lands o f Annakisha North, situate in the Barony o f Fermoy and County o f Cork, being the lands comprised in said Folio 6393. Land Certificate o f Denis O’Connell to 43 a. 21-. i6p. o f the lands of Annakisha North and oa. ny 44

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