The Gazette 1949-1952

Examinations, etc. New Regulation T he Council made the following additional Regula­ tion :— 44A. The Council shall have power in their dis­ cretion to delegate, either in whole or in part, to the Secretary or acting Secretary, their powers under Regulations 15 and 44, provided that any person aggrieved by any decision shall be entitled to have the matter referred to the Council. Applications under Section 18 T he Secretary reported that in six cases the Chief Justice had made orders under Section 18 exempting the applicants from the Society’s Preliminary E x­ amination and that in one case the application had been refused. N ovember 22ND. The President in the Chair. Also present, Messrs. Niall S. Gaffney, Vice-President; Daniel O’Connell, James R. Quirke, Dermot P. Shaw, John J . Sheil, Maurice M. Power, Desmond R. Counahan, Joseph P. Tyrrell, Joseph Barrett, Patrick R. Boyd, Louis E. O’Dea, Reginald J. Nolan, Thomas A. O’Reilly, John L. Kealy, John R. Halpin, James J . O’Connor, John J. Nash, Derrick M. Martin, Gerald J . O’Donnell, George G. Overend, Ralph J. Walker, William J. Norman, John Carrigan, Henry St. J. Blake, Arthur Cox. The following was among the business trans­ acted :— Solicitors’ Remuneration General Orders, 1884-1947 T he Council received draft Solicitors’ Remuneration General Order 1951 made under Section 2 of the Solicitors Remuneration Act 1881 and communicated to the Society pursuant to Section 3 of the Act. It was decided to return the draft Order with observa­ tions and suggestions in accordance with Section 3. General Meeting and Election o f Council, 1952 The following dates were appointed :— O rdinary General Meetings, 15th May, 1952 and 27th November, 1932 ; final date for receipt of Nominations for the Council, 20th October, 19 52 ; Ballot for the Council, 20th November, 1952. Probate Office T he President reported that accompanied by the Secretary he had been received by the Minister for Justice and had made representations on the state of business in the Probate Office and other matters arising from it. The Minister had stated that the

matter is at present under investigation and that every effort is being made to end the present un­ satisfactory position. Solicitors Bill T he President reported that accompanied by the Secretary he had been received by the Minister for Justice and the Secretary o f the Department. Urgent representations had been made on the subject o f the Bill. The Minister had promised that the Bill will be introduced during the coming Parliamentary Session. PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES Dail Eireann, 15th November, 1951 Solicitors Bill M r . Hession asked the Minister for Justice if he will take all appropriate steps for the immediate intro­ duction of the Solicitors B ill; and if there are any circumstances which may prevent him from doing so, whether he will indicate what they are. Minister for Justice (Mr. Boland) :—Apart from the careful examination which the scope and com­ plexity o f this Bill necessitates, there is no impedi­ ment to its introduction. I hope to be in a position to introduce the Bill in the course o f the next session. W ednesday , 21ST N ovember , 1951 :—To ask the Minister for Finance if he has yet had an opportunity o f considering the case made in column 212, volume 126 of the Official Reports dated 20th June, 1951, for the inclusion o f solicitors in the list o f those entitled to commission on conversion o f Govern­ ment loans and whether such case was subsequently supported by representations from the Council o f the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland. —Gerard Sweetman. Reply T he question of the payment of commission to solicitors in connection with the issue o f Govern­ ment loans has been considered. Representations were made by the Council o f the Incorporated Law Society in the matter. It was not possible, however, to accede to these representations for reasons con­ veyed to the Council. , NEW SOLICITORS Presentation o f Certificates o f Admission A t a ceremony which took place in the Society’ s Library on 22nd November, 1951, the President presented Certificates of Admission to Solicitors whose names had been enrolled during the past six 52

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