The Gazette 1949-1952

THE REGISTER Register “ B ”

mencing the following Monday, were also present. Chief Justice Vanderbilt very kindly invited me to sit on the platform with the speakers. This gesture was only one of the many courtesies extended to me during the following six days. That Saturday evening a banquet, under the auspices o f New York University, was held in the ballroom o f the Waldorf Astoria at which some 1,500 guests attended. Present as principal guests were the Chief Justices of the forty-eight States, Sir Raymond Evershed, the Master o f the Rolls from England, Sir Leslie Holmes, President o f the Law Society o f England, Sir Godfrey Vick, Chairman o f the Bar Council o f England, Mr. Gordon Gollings, K.C., President o f the Canadian Bar Association and a number of Presidents o f legal bodies from India, Mexico, Cuba and a number of the South American States. The Master o f the Rolls was the guest speaker o f the evening. A t the back of the stage were four large flags o f United States, Ireland, Great Britain and Canada. On Sunday morning Mass o f the Holy Ghost was celebrated in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, 5th Avenue, at which His Eminence Cardinal Spelman presided. His Grace, Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheehan preached the Sermon. This Mass, which was sponsored by the Catholic Lawyers’ Guild, was regarded as the principal religious service o f the week and, accordingly, was attended by many non-Catholic lawyers in New York for the meeting, including the President o f the A .B.A . M r . W illiam J. C oncannon , Solicitor, died at Seamount Nursing Home, Galway, on 27th Novem­ ber, 1951. Mr. Concannon served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Joseph A . Glynn, Solicitor, Tuam, and Mr. John Quinn, Solicitor, Tuam, was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1920 and practised at Tuam, Co. Galway. M r . P atrick C oll , Solicitor, died at his residence, Carrig-na-Chattan, Sandycove, Dublin on the 27th November, 1951. Mr. Coll served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Edward Fitzgerald, Solicitor, 20 St. Andrew Street, Dublin, was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1901. He was appointed Assistant Treasury Solicitor in 1906 and Treasury Solicitor in 1920. On the setting up o f the State he became Solicitor to the Department o f Finance until his retirement in 1944, when he practised at 30 Lower Ormond Quay, under the style o f Frederick Croskery & Son. (To be continued.) OBITUARY

Solicitor with Capital requires position town or country, with prospects, experienced in all branches o f work. Box B. 154. REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT, 18 9 1 and 1942 NOTICE

F olio 4967, C ounty C ork

R egistered O wner : T homas C rowley

A n Application has been made to the Registrar of Titles tor the issue o f a Certificate of Title in sub­ stitution for the Certificate specified in the Schedule hereto, which, it is alleged, has been lost or inadver­ tently destroyed. The Registrar of Titles will issue a duplicate Certificate unless he is notified within 28 days from the date o f this Notice that the said Certificate of Title is still in existence and in the custody of some person other than the above-named Registered Owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the Certificate in question is being held. Dated this 22nd day of December, 1951. J oseph O’B yrne , Registrar o f Titles. Land Registry, Central Office, Chancery Street, Dublin. S chedule A bove R eferred To L and Certificate of Thomas Crowley to 6a. 1 r. 3ip. of the lands of Moneygaff West, situate in the Barony o f Carbery East (West Division) and County of Cork, being the lands comprised in said Folio. REGISTRATION OF TITLE ACTS, 18 9 1 and 1942 NOTICE

Folio 439

C ounty M eath

Registered Owner : R ichard O ’C onnor An application has been made by the Registered Owner to the Registrar o f Titles for the issue o f a Certificate o f Title in substitution for the Certificate


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