The Gazette 1949-1952

January, 1952


Vice-Presidents D esmond R. C ounahan ll . d . G erald J. O’D onnell

Secretary E ric A. P lunkett

President A rthur C ox


The following was among the business trans­ acted :— Election o f President and Vice-Presidents B y ballot in accordance with the bye-laws Mr. Arthur Cox was elected President o f the Society for the year 1951-52 and Messrs. Desmond R. Counahan and Gerald J. O’Donnell were elected Vice-Presidents. Government loans—commission T he Secretary reported that he had been received by Dr. McElligott, Secretary, Department of Justice, who had informed him that the Minister is not willing to make provision for payment o f commission to solicitors applying on behalf of clients for allotment of new Government stock. Formation o f limited liability companies by accountants T he Secretary read letters received from the Institute o f Chartered Accountants, the Association o f 59

IMPORTANT I f you have not already taken out and stamped a Registrar’s certificate you should do so immediately. The final date for stamping certificates in time will be 5th February, 1952. A late certificate must be produced to the Society for noting within one month of stamping. Failure to comply with the statutory requirements of stamping and, where necessary, production of stamped certificates will render them invalid for the purpose o f taxation o f costs. MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL N ovember 29TH, 1951. Mr. Greene and sub­ sequently Mr. Cox in the Chair. The following were also present: Messrs. James J. O’Connor, George G. Overend, Ralph J. Walker, William J. Norman, Henry St. J. Blake, Patrick R. Boyd, John J. Sheil, John R. Halpin, Cuthbert Furlong, Daniel O’Connell, John L. Kealy, Thomas A. O’Reilly, James R. Quirke, Joseph Tyrrell, Desmond R. Counahan, Joseph Barrett, Patrick F. O’Reilly, John Carrigan, William S. Huggard.

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