The Gazette 1949-1952

CENTENARY OF SOCIETY’S CHARTER, 1852 T he Society was founded in 1841 and received a Charter in 18 52. Owing to the war, it was impossible to celebrate the foundation o f the Society in a fitting manner in 1941. The President of Ireland has graciously informed the Council that he will give a Garden Party at Arus an Uacht^rain on May 28th for the members o f the Society and their wives and distinguished guests. The Council intend to hold other functions on May 27th and 28th and a circular with full information will be sent out either with this issue of the Gazette or shortly after it. STATUTORY COMMITTEE T he following members o f the Council have been appointed by the Chief Justice to be the members o f the Statutory Committee for the year to end 23rd November, 1952 : Chairman, Roger Greene ; Henry St. J. Blake, Patrick R. Boyd, Arthur Cox, William J . Norman, Daniel O’Connell, James R. Quirke. COURT OF EXAMINERS C hairman , James R. Quirke; John R. Halpin, Desmond J. Mayne, John J. Nash, Thomas A. O’Reilly, Sean O hUadhaigh. STANDING COMMITTEES Legislation and Privileges Committee C hairman , Joseph P. T y rrell; Henry St. J. Blake, Patrick R. Boyd, Niall S. Gaffney, Daniel O’Connell, James J. O’Connor, Thomas A. O ’Reilly, Sean Patrick R. Boyd, Francis J. Gearty, John R. Halpin, Senator O’Reiily, Maurice M. Power, Ralph Walker, Dermot P. Shaw, John J . Sheil. Finance Committee C hairman , Senator O’Reilly; John Carrigan, Roger Greene, William S. Huggard, Desmond J. Mayne, John J. Nash,. Thomas A . O’Reilly, George G. Overend, James R. Quirke. Gazette Committee C hairman , John Carrigan; Joseph Barrett, Cuthbert J. Furlong, John L. Kealy, Francis J. Lanigan, James J. O ’Connor, Louis E . O’Dea, John J . Sheil, Joseph P. Tyrrell. O hUadhaigh, George G. Overend. Court and Offices Committee C hairman , Joseph Barrett;

The President, Vice-Presidents and the last President are ex-officio members o f the Standing Committees, and the Court of Examiners. INCORPORATED LAW SOCIETY OF NORTHERN IRELAND M r . Henry J. Catchpole has been elected President for the year 1951-52. The following are the extraj ordinary members of the Council of this Society : Henry J . Catchpole, Alexander S. Merrick, George Murnaghan, Charles McLaughlin, James C. Taylor. SOUTHERN LAW ASSOCIATION M r . Timothy A. Buckley has been elected President of the Association for the year 1951-52. The following are the extraordinary members o f the Council o f this Society : Cornelius J. Daly, John F. Foley, Edmund Hayes, Joseph Morrissey. PROCEEDINGS OF THE OIREACHTAS I Dail Eireann, 21st November, 195 1. M r . Gerard Sweetman asked the Minister for Justice whether he was aware o f the grave shortage of text books on many aspects o f Irish law, and whether he would undertake to take steps to provide adequate text books by giving grants for the purpose to the Benchers o f the K ing’ s Inn or the Incorporated Law Society or otherwise. The Minister replied—“ In January, 1947, following an investigation o f the matter by a Committee o f Inquiry, I had the Incorporated Council o f Law Reporting informed that a sum of £7,500 would be made available as a subsidy towards the cost o f producing legal text books which would cover much the same ground as ‘ Wylie ’, ‘ Carleton ’, ‘ Babington ’ and ‘ O ’Connor’ s Justice of the Peace ’ . The scheme which had been suggested by the Committee o f Inquiry provided that the Incorporated Council would assume responsibility for the nomination o f editors and the general supervision o f the editorial work. The offer to provide a subsidy on the basis indicated still holds.”

/ Dail Eireann December, 5th 1951 County Council Solicitors’ Fees

M r . O ’Hara asked the Minister for Local Govern­ ment if he would state the present scale o f fees payable to County Council solicitors and authorised by his Department under the Small Dwellings

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