The Gazette 1949-1952

the Law Society, Law Courts, Dublin. The following members were present: Mr. R. A. A . O ’Brien, Chairman; Mr. Henry P. Mayne, Vice-Chairman; Mr. Arthur Cox, President o f the Incorporated Law Society. Messrs. R. V . Judd, Charles Hyland, John S. G. Sealy, James J . Hickey, Sean O hUadhaigh, A. E. Walker, Mrs. Eugenie Houston, H. E . St. G. Cleneghan, James J. O’Connor, Raymond Henry, John J. Barry, D. B. Gilmore, John B. McCann, Rowland Healy, Arthur E . Ardagh, P. R. Boyd, R. D. English, J. P. King, D. McGillicuddy, Liam Cafferky, Henry P. Mayne, Eric A . Plunkett, Henry St. J. Blake, Benedict J. Daly, and Patrick Glynn, Secretary. The Secretary read the notice convening the meeting and the minutes o f the last meeting were confirmed. The Chairman, Mr. R. A. O ’Brien in moving the adoption o f the report said that annual subscriptions were up by £173, but that the expenditure on grants and annuities paid during the year amounting to / 1 7 1 10s. 3d., was also slightly up and would have been substantially higher but for the fact that vacant special annuities aggregating £367 had not been filled. It was essential that the income from members’ subscriptions should be increased to ensure the continued stability and usefulness o f the Association. Mr. O’Brien referred to the Social Welfare Act, 1951, which had been passed since the last Annual Meeting. A section in the Act provided that account should not be taken o f assistance received from charitable organisations to an amount not exceeding £52 5s. a year for the purpose o f the means test under the Old Age Pensions Acts. This provision was new and would be welcomed not only by the Solicitors’ Benevolent Association but by all charitable organisations. He concluded by asking all members o f the Association to obtain new members by personal approaches to solicitois who are not already members. Mr. Arthur Cox, President o f the Incorporated Law Society seconded and the Report was unanimously adopted. On the proposal o f Mr. Rowland Healy seconded by Mr. Henry St. J. Blake the Directors were re-appointed. On the proposal o f Mr. John B. McCann, Mr. Henry D. Hurley and Mr. Terence de Vere White were re­ appointed Auditors. A vote o f thanks to the Press was proposed by Mr. J. J. Hickey, seconded by Mr. Dermot McGillycuddy and passed unanimously. Mr. Henry'P. Mayne moved that Mr. Arthur Cox should take the second Chair and proposed a cordial vote o f thanks to the'Chairman for his conduct o f the Meeting and his work for the Association. This was seconded by Mr. D. B. Gilmore put to the meeting by Mr. A. Cox and passed with acclama­ tion, This conclude?! the business, •

1947; an addition o f 55 per cent, calculated upon the amount o f such authorised or regulated remuneration immediately prior to the 5th day o f April, 1947. 5. The calculation o f all solicitors’ fees under the Solicitors’ Remuneration General Orders, 1884-1951 shall be made to the nearest penny upwards or downwards. 6. This Order shall be read with the Solicitors’ Remuneration General Order, 1884, the Solicitors’ Remuneration General Order (No. 1), 1920, the Solicitors’ Remuneration General Order (No. 2), 1920, and the Solicitors’ Remuneration General Order, 1947, and shall be deemed to be incorporated therewith, and shall so far as inconsistent therewith alter or amend the same. SCHEDULE Scale of Charges as to Leases or Agreements for Leases at rack rent (other than mining leases or leases for building purposes, or Agreements for the same).

Lessors’ Solicitors :— For preparing, settlingand completing lease and coun­ terpart where the rent does not exceed £100. Where the rent exceeds £100, but does not exceed £j°o-

£ 1 1 5s. per cent on the rental but not less in any case than £4 i°s. £ 1 1 5s. in respect of the first £100 of rent and £3 15s. per­ cent in respect of each subse­ quent £100 of rent or any part thereof. £ 1 1 5s. in respect of the first £100 of rent, £3 15s. in respect of each £100 of rent up to £500 and £ 1 10s. per cent in respect of every subsequent £100 or part thereof.

Where the rent exceeds £500.

Lessees’ Solicitor: For perusing draft and completing. (No sum of less than£iyearlyrenttobetaken into account in any case.)

One half the amount payable to the lessors’ Solicitor but not less in any case than £3 3s.

In case the Lease is registered a charge of £3 to the Solicitor registering same.

Dated this nth day of December, 1951. S igned :

C onchubhar A. M aguidh ir , Chief Justice. C ahir D avitt , President of the High Court. A rthur C ox , President, Incorporated Law Society of Ireland. SOLICITORS’ BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION T he Annual Meeting o f the Solicitors’ Benevolent Association was held In the' Council Chamber of

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