The Gazette 1949-1952

19 31— 1939, Vice-President for the year 1940— 1941 and President o f the Society for the year 1945— 1946. M r . J oseph K earney , Solicitor, died at Clara Road, Tullamore on the 25th January, 1932. Mr. Kearney served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Thomas Conway, Solicitor, Tullamore, was admitted in Trinity Sittings 1922 and practised at Tullamore under the style o f Conway & Carney. M r . W illiam S. H uggard , Solicitor, died at Hume Street Nursing Home on the 1st February, 1952. Mr. Huggard served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Edward White, 16 Molesworth Street, Dub­ lin, wTas admitted in Hilary Sittings 19 11 and prac­ tised at Ballina, Co. Mayo. He was a member o f the Council of this Society from the year 1939 to the date o f his death and Vice-President for the year 1944-1943. B arclays Bank Limited (Trustee Department) of Cardiff, South Wales, the Trustees o f the W'ill of William Simpson Marsh, Deceased, late o f Penybedd, Pembrey, Carmarthenshire, who died on the 9th April, 1898, seeks information as to the descendants o f Alice Mary Moore, a daughter o f Robert Marsh and a sister o f the said William Simpson Marsh, who was married first to a Mr. Hargreave and secondly to Frederick Moore and is believed to have lived in Ireland. Will anyone having knowledge o f the whereabouts o f such descendants please communi­ cate with Wheeler & McCutcheon, Solicitors, 2 Wel­ lington Place, Belfast. re : A lice M ary H argreave , D eceased r e : A lice M ary M oore , D eceased

House, Manorhamilton, Co. Leitrim, on 25th October, 1951. Mr. O’Flynn served his apprenticeship with the late Sir James O’Connor, Solicitor, 118 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin, who subsequently became Lord Chief Justice of Ireland, was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1903, and practised at Manor­ hamilton. M r . G eorge M. M eares , Solicitor, died at the Meath Hospital, Dublin, on 26th December, 1951. Mr. Meares served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. John Porter Harris, Solicitor, Killymurphy, Stewartstown, Co. Tyrone, was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1894 and practised as senior partner in the firm of Messrs. White & Meares, Solicitor, 41 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin. He served on the Council from 19 13 to 1916. M r . R ichard C. E . L ong , Solicitor, died on the 25 th October, 1951 in Dublin. Mr. Long served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Henry B. Falconer, Solicitor, 9 Suffolk Street, Dublin, was admitted in Trinity Sittings 1897 and practised at Portarlington. M r . D aniel O’C onnell , Solicitor, died at his resi­ dence, 3 Seatown Gardens, Dundalk on the 18th January, 195 a. Mr. O’ Connell served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Michael C. Moynagh, Solicitor, Dundalk, was admitted in Hilary Sittings 1902 and practised at Dundalk as senior partner in the firm o f Daniel O’Connell & Son. He was a member o f the Council o f this Society from 1924 to the date o f his death. He was the Provincial Delegate for Leinster from

CENTENARY OF THE SOCIETY’S CHARTER, 1 8 5 2 - 1 9 5 2 . With this issue o f the Society’s Gazette is enclosed a letter with a form o f application for tickets for functions which will be held in Dublin on 27th and 28th May to celebrate the centenary. Members wishing to attend these functions are reminded that early application for tickets is essential. The subscription o f £3 3s. includes invitations to wives o f married members and a lady accompanying each unmarried member to the President’s reception. On the occasion o f the Centenary the Council invite Bar Associations, firms and individual members to send in to the Secretary any information, books, or documents which would be of interest from the point o f view o f the history o f the profession. The Council would be grateful to receive information as to the histories of old firms, biographical notes o f past members o f the profession, notes of cases o f historical or social interest or old law books or documents o f pro­ fessional interest. A great deal o f information o f professional interest was lost when the Society’s records were destroyed in 1922 and the Council would like to mark the Centenary by collecting such of it as may be still available.

Printed by Cahill z f C o ., L td ., Parkgate Printing W orks, D ublin.

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