The Gazette 1949-1952


Second Examination in Irish Fionnbar F. Callanan, Patrick J. Conway, Joseph M. L. Dockery, Donal P. Gallagher, Enda C. Gearry, Ivan W. P. Kelly, Henry J. A . Lafferty, C. Arthur Lavery, Edwin Russell McCloughan, James H. Mackey, Mary Moore, Nora Murphy, Una M. O’Higgins, John A . Phelan, Colm Price, Timothy Ryan, Eunice D. J. Spendlove. Twenty-two candidates entered ; 1 7 passed ; 4 failed ; 1 did not attend. The remaining candidates are postponed. THE REGISTRY Section A S olicitor ’ s Practice for sale in good country town. 20 miles from Dublin. Box A136. Section B C ity S olicitor . Long experience, particularly Conveyancing, seeks City position. Well recommended. Salary £500 p.a. Box No. B155. S olicitor (aged 30), now in private practice, would be inter­ ested in assistantship with weil established firm. Good con­ nection, experience. Box B. 156. S olicitor , admitted 1928, Commissioner for Oaths C. of I., in practice up to 1941. Royal Navy 1941 to 1946. Associated with firms in Reading and London since 1946 mostly in trust and conveyancing, wants assistantship Dublin or prov­ inces, view to partnership or succession. Good experience in Land Commission and all Courts. Availal le next Autumn. Box B. 157. S olicitor ’ s Assistant, qualified, with three years’ District, Circuit, Probate, Debt Collection and general office experience, seeks position City. Well recommended. Box B. 158. Section C F or sale. Complete set of Halsbury’s Laws of England, together with complete set of Butterworth’s Forms and Precedents (Irish and English) and O’Connor’s Justice of the Peace—all perfect condition. What offers ? Box No. C130. D ublin Solicitor with good office accommodation desires contact colleagues interested in office sharing arrangement. Box C. 131.

T hree £52 annuities will be offered for election at an early date. Solicitors joining now will be entitled to vote. LOCAL REGISTRATION OF TITLE ACTS, 18 9 1 AND 1942 NOTICE Folio 772 C ounty O ffaly Registered Owner: R ichard K eene G amble An application has been made by the Personal Representative o f the Registered Owner to the Reg­ istrar o f Titles for the issue of a Certificate o f Title in substitution for the Certificate specified in the Schedule hereto, which it is alleged has been lost or inadvertently destroyed. The Registrar of Titles will issue a duplicate Cer­ tificate unless he is notified within 28 days from the date o f this Notice that the said Certificate o f Title is still in existence and in the custody o f some person other than the above named registered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the Certificate is being held. Dated this 7th day of April, 1952. J oseph O’B yrne Registrar o f Titles. Land Registry, Central Office, Chancery Street, D ublin . S chedule L.C. of Richard Keene Gamble to 438a. 3c rop. o f the lands o f Killoly situate in the Barony of Bally- boy and County o f Offaly being the lands comprised in said Folio.

Printed by Cahill <& Co., Ltd., Parkgate Printing Works , Dublin.

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