The Gazette 1949-1952

The title was registered under the Registration of Titles Act, 1891, as amended. The question was raised, whether, having regard to rule 11 o f Schedule 1, Part 1, o f S.R.G.O. 1884, the scale fee could be charged. Rule 1 1 provides as follow s:—“ In cases o f sales under the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, or any other private or public Act, under which the vendors’ charges are paid by the purchaser, the scale shall not apply.” A committee to which the matter had been referred reported that the sale was not a sale under the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, or any other private or public act under which the vendor’s charges are paid by the purchaser, and accordingly, that Rule 1 1 did not apply. The Council adopted the committee’s report, and the Secretary was directed to write to the member stating that, in the view o f the Council, the costs should be drawn on the scale contained in S.R.G.O., 1884, and S.R.G.O. (No. 2), 1920, as modified by the Land Registration Rules, 1937 to 1947. Legal Aid in Murder Cases T he President reported that the Society had received a letter from the Attorney General, stating that following the representations made by the Society as to the inadequacy of the present allowances to solicitors assigned for the defence in murder cases they would, in future, be allowed travelling and subsistence expenses in addition to the assignment fee. A note on the subject will appear in the G azette . ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING: MAY 19th T he President, Mr. Patrick R. Boyd was in the chair: The following members o f the Society signed their names as being present: Mr. Joseph Barrett, Vice-President, Mr. Joseph P. Tyrrell, Vice-President, Messrs. John J. Bolger, John P. Carrigan, Desmond R. Counahan, Arthur Cox, Roger Greene, Wilham S. Hayes, Anthony J. Malone, Henry P. Mayne, William J. Norman, Daniel O’Connell, John D. O’Connell, Patrick F. O’Reilly, Thomas A. O ’Reilly, Sean O hUadhaigh, G. A. Overerd, James R. Quirke, J. Travers Wolfe, Arthur H. S. Orpen, James J. O’Connor, T. Desmond McLoughlin, Victor D. Woulfe, J. T. Hamerton, J. E. Hamerton, R. W. R. Johnston, A. G. Ardagh, John Edmund Doyle, J. D. McClenaghan. The notice convening the meeting was, by per­ mission of the meeting, taken as read. The Secre­ tary read the minutes o f the Ordinary General Meeting held on 26th November, 1948, which were then signed by the Chairman.

The President announced that he nominated the following members o f the Society to act as scrut­ ineers for the Ballot o f the Council to be held on 21 st November, 1949 :—Messrs. John R. McC. Blakeney, Desmond j . Collins, Thomas Jackson, Brendan P. McCormack, Roderick J. Tierney. 1 'he Chairman, addressing the meeting said : “ L ahies and G entlem en : Since we last met in General Meeting in Nov- eml ier, death has been busy amongst us. It is with reg tet that we have to record the deaths o f :—Fred J. W. Darley, who served on the Council from 1942 to 1946; Patrick Howard; Robert G. B all; George W. Beaumont; Michael Tynan; Edward J . Duffy; James M. Magee; James D ickie; Patrick Rooney, who served on the council from 1914. to 1924, and filled the office o f Vice-President in the years 1919 and 1920 ; James Shuel; Wilmot H. C. L lo yd ; Patrick Sarsfield B rady; Arthur William Stirling, who served on the Council from 1918 to 1924, and filled the office of Vice-President in the years 1922 and 19 2 3 ; John W. Buggy; Vincent P. McMullin; George Baxter; Francis Shields; Frederick H. Croskerry. We tender to their relatives our sympathy in their bereavement. I have just learned o f the death o f Mr. R. A. Macauley o f Listowel, who was a member o f the Council from 1939 to 1948 and was Vice-President for 1943-44, and I am sure you will all wish me to convey your sympathy to his widow in her bereavement. While the membership o f the Society remains high, there are still some solicitors who have not joined, and I would appeal to them to join in the current year. They should now appreciate the necessity o f being organised. I am glad to say that the Bar Associations have been very active during the year, and some new ones have been formed. It is to be hoped that every district will form such an Association as they are a source o f great strength to the Society and render useful aid to the Council. The Council, since our last meeting, has been active in the interests o f the profession. We have had several interviews with Ministers o f State and Secretaries o f Departments, who have always been ready to consider carefully any suggestions or criticisms which we offer. We also had an interview with the Attorney General on the question o f assignments in murder cases—a matter which* was dealt with by my pre­ decessor at the half-yearly meeting last November. We succeeded in getting agreement that travelling and subsistence expenses will be allowed in future in addition to the assignment fee. 2

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