USD Golf 1999-2000

The University of San Diego SETTING The Uni versity of San Diego is an indepe ndent Catholic institution of hi gher ed ucation. Fou nded in 1949, USO is located on 180 acres overlooking Mi ss ion Bay, San Diego Harbor and the Pacific Ocean. The campu s is named Alca la Park and is located just IO minutes from downtown San Diego and the wo rld famo us San Diego Zoo. Hi stori c O ld Town is just minutes away as well . The city of San Diego along with th is campus traces the ir ori gins to fifteenth century Spain. The campus was named after a Spanish vi ll age near Madrid - Alca la de Henares. Founded by the Greeks as Complutum, the vill age was later renamed Al Kala (the Castle) by the Moslems. Chri sti ans recaptured the vill age centuri es later and found ed a uni vers ity, the Uni versity of Alca la, whose buildings became the inspiration fo r USD's style. Both in stitution s are located on a hill


overlook ing a ri ver va ll ey. THE CAMPUS

The USO campu s is regarded as one of the most arc hitectu ra ll y unique in stituti ons in the country, featuring 18 major buildings des igned in an orn amenta l 16th century Spanish Renaissance sty le. The physical beauty of the campu s reaches beyond the "eye of the beholder. " Reverend Mother Rosa li e Hill , one of the insti– tutions fo unders, be lieved in the enh ancement of learning through beauty and harmony. Hence for the Uni versi ty, beauty is a transcendental quality imparted to students as part of their educat ion to tru th and good ness: a simp le but profound ed ucational phi losoph y. Since 1984 , USO has completed e leven major construction and expans ion projects. A five-story parking garage was compl eted in 1998. The 5,000 seat Jenny Craig Pav ili on, USD's new Sports/Ac tiv ity Center, is due to open in the Fal l of2000; and this past October was the ground breaking ceremony for the Joan B. Kroc Peace In stitute. A landscaped fo untain pl aza was fini shed in the fa ll of 1995 , connecting the entrances of the lmmacul ata and Hughes Admi nistration Center. In 1992, the uni vers ity compl eted the 45 ,000 sq uare foo t Loma Hall , which incl udes an ex pa nded bookstore, a larger mail center, classrooms and labratori es. ACADEMICS USO enroll s more than 6,800 students (3,900 undergraduate) who have a cho ice

of more th an 50 undergrad uate and graduate degree programs. The university's academi c units include the Co ll ege of Arts and Sciences, and the Schoo ls of Business Admini stra– ti on, Ed ucati on, Law and Nursing. C lass size generall y averages between 18-25 students with the student to teac her ratio being 18: I. Over 97 perce nt of USD's full-time facu lty hold doctorates. In the annu al ratings of the country's coll eges and universiti es, pu bli shed by U.S. News & World Report, USO moved from the regional to nationa l category in 1994. The uni versity is ranked amo ng the top 100 schoo ls in the nation. STUDENT LIFE Student ac ti vities include cu ltural events, dances, boat cru ises, beach parties, BBQ's, concerts, comedy ni ghts, symposia and much more. Students participate in a wide range of volunteer proj ects such as adu lt literacy tutoring , senior citizen outreach, and house bui lding in Tijuana. The intramural program is also an integral part of student

life on campus with over two-th irds of the USO community partaking in the activiti es. ATHLETICS

DID YOU KNOW • With a donation of $7 million by

Sid and Jenny Craig, USD received the lead gift necessary to proceed with planning its much needed $17 million Sports/Activities Center. The pavilion, which will be located at the eastern end of campus between Torero Stadium and Cunningham Baseball Stadium, will include a 5,000-seat gymnasium, coaches offices, fitness center and athletic training fa– cilities, showers and locker rooms, concession stand, and reception room. The Monsignor I.B. Eagen Plaza off the Pavilion entry, will take advantage of the view across campus to the ocean. The USD Athletic Hall of Fame will also be housed in the facility. Construc– tion is underway with a scheduled opening slated for Fall 2000.

The Un iversity of SanDiego is a member of the West Coast Conference for nearl y all sports and competes in sixteen interco ll eg iate sports on the NCAA Di vision I leve l. The foo tball team compl eted its sixth season in the Pi oneer Football League . Women's sports include: basketball , crew, cross country, soccer, so ftball , swimming, tenni s and voll ey ball. Men's sports include: baseball , basketball , crew, cross country, go lf, footba ll , soccer and tenni s. Since 1990 USO teams have won seven conference champion ships; made 22 post– season appearances; had 19 Conference Coaches of the Year; 16 Conference Pl ayers o f the Year, 11 Conference Freshman of the Year, three WCC Scholar Athl etes of the Year and 2 1 NCAA All -Ameri cans. Zuzana Lesenarova, a three-time NCAA All-Ameri can for women's tenni s, already has won the first two legs of the Co ll egiate Grand Slam thi s fa ll ( 1999) with win s at the Nationa l C lay Courts and Ri viera All -American. She enters the 1999 spring season ranked No. I in the nation fo r the second strai ght season. Patrick Hawkins, a seni or on the men's go!f team, was West Coast Conference champi on in 1998 after winning medal– ist honors at Menifee Lakes Country Cl ub .

1999-2000 University of San Diego Toreros Men's Golf Media Guide

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