USD Golf 1999-2000

San Diego - A Perfect Place To Live

SC111 Diego hC1s been !C1beled as "A111ericC1's Fines! Ci!_\'" and hacks Uf> //,(If sw1e111en1 ll'ilh a per/eel cli111C1le,fw11ous clr/s and allmc/io11s. healllijid siles and cm11- pe1i1i1·e spor/.1· 1ea111.1·. San Diego's localio11 111C1kes ii an ideC1I desli11alio11. fl is bor– dered 011 !he sowh h,· Mexico, 011 !he 1\'esl b,· !he PC1ci/ic OceC111, und 011 !he eosl h_\' !he 11wu111oi11s and !he A11:C1-Borrego Deserl Swle Park - one of!he lw;r;es/ .1·1e11e parks in 1he U11i1ed Sw1es. The ci1_,- mnks se\'e111h in 1he cou111n·, in 1em1.1· ofpop11/(lfio11, and reslsjus/ 11i11et_,. 111iles .1·011/h of!he Los Angeles melm areCI. SC111 Diego a/.rn surro1111ds one of Califim1ia's grea/es/ 11a1urol harbors 1rhich has been a do111i11a111 fC1clor in de1er111i11i11g !he cil_\''s hisloJT, eco11m11_,·, and de1·elop111e11t. /1 is hem/ lo argue 1ri1h !he per{eCI cli111a1e San Diego oflers. Te1111>era1ures'()f11 ../8 lo 65 degrees in !he 11·i11ler lo 6../ lo 76 degrees in !he s1u11111er 11w111hs. Bemuse o{lhe 111ild cli111a/e, 1he sei-e111_,, miles of Pacific Ocean beach. !he 111·0 spar– kling ha_Ys, !he sei-eml uplifiing 111ou111ai11 ranges, C111d !he hreo1h1aki11g deserl can he enjo_ffd _Year round. There is also se\'eral 1hi11g.1· lo do in San Diego. One rn11 1·isi1 !he 11·orld _/c1111ous SC111 Diego Zoo, Sea World, and 1he San Diego Wild A11i111al Park. One CClll also e.1plore Old Tm\'/1, \\'here CC1l(/im1iC1 began, or hrmrse //,rough 11111sew11s in Ba/boo Park Iha! jeC1/11re e.rhibi1.1· ranging .fiwn _fine arl and 11a1uml his/or\', 10 aircm/i C111d .1pons 111e111omhilia. While in /own. one can also 1·e111Ure to se\'eral 1·e1111es !hat ofjer !he cir!s such Cl.I' !he LCI Joi/Cl Plo\'lwuse, !he Ci,·ic TheC1/re C111d Hw11phre_\''s b,· 1he BC1y.

Dm\'lllm\'/1 San Diego is Clll exciling, co11sw111I_,. chC111g– i11g showp!C1ce of depar1me111 .Hores, speciC1!1_,· shops, ho!els. res– w11m111s, gC1l!eries C111d theC1/res. One 11·hole sec1io11 has heen re– slored IO 111m-o{-1he ce111Un· elegC111ce, 1rhile sei·eml 111ore blocks C1re.filled 1ri1h a 11u1l!i-le1·el ce111erfect1uri11g more 1ha11 one lllln– dred.fift_,- .1·/ores. Along !he lwrho,: 1he 1rn1er/i'()/1f 1he111e 1·illC1ge, Seopor/ Village. keeps g/'01ri11g. San Diego also offers ha_\' cmises, 1ra1er w.ris, and popular/'err\' rides 10 Co/'Onado 11·here one cC111 1·isi1 1hefC1111ous Hole/ de/ Coro11C1do.

According to Sporls Illus/rated, "For sheer nwnber ofpar1icipC111ls, dii ·ersit_,. of pur.rnils (1{i11l'Oh·eme111. SC111 Di– ego mus/ mnk as !he sportsfi111ess cC1pital of!he U.S." Spor1.1· C1re Cl 111C1jorj'eC1!11re (>{!he SC111 Diego lifes1yle. One can sC1il, s\\'i111. . 1wf; sc11ha dii·e. snorkel and H'ind surfon miles ofpub– lic beach or go(fal an,· of/he m·er 80 go(fcourses lhmughou/ 1he counl_\'. There are also miles ofsce11icjoggi11g, hiking and hiking frails. Sporls spec/a/ors CCIII wke in pn,fessio11C1!. col– legic11e and C1ll1C1leur sporls e1·e111s. NFL Foo/ball. Mcijor League BC1sehall, minor leC1g11e ice lwcke_,·. clw111pio11ship golf: and 1homughhred horse racing are among !he 111011_\' e\'e111.1· lo he enjo\'ed in SC111 Diego. The ARCO 0/_rn,pic Tmi11i11g Cen– ler in So11 Diego's Smtih Bo_\' orea is !he 1101io11's_firs1 _YeC1r– mu11d lllllilisporl ll'Clillillg .fc1cili1_,. _/<1r Oln11pic ct1'1/e1es. /11 1998. Son Diego hos1ed Super Bmrl XXXII and 1he World Series al Q110/co111111 Swdi11111. San Diego has long been ct chC11111>io11shit> golf 1·e1111e ji1r !he Buick l11l'iW1io11al. p/Cl_Yed ei·er_Y Felmwn· al Torre_r Pines CC in LCI Jolla. CA. Th/'011gh /998, La Cosw Resorl Cllu! Spa 11·a .1· !he si1e.fi1r !he Mercedes Clw111pio11shi1>s. a11d !his _,·ecir 11·i// hos/ The Andersen Co11- s11l1i11g M(lfch Pim· Clw111pio11.1·hip in Fehmar\'.

1999-2000 University of San Diego Toreros Men's Golf Media Guide

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