Popular Window Treatments

Valancesand Cornice Borads By fram ing the top of the window,cornices and valancesadd a sense ofheightand dram a and give windowsa m oretailored and designed look.W hether you hang them on theirown orpairthem with under treatm ents,cornicesand valanceshelp lowerenergy bilsby reducing heatlos and are a stylish way of concealing headrails. Board M ounted Cornices Add flair with decorative trim , contrasting welts, and banding; al ofourcornice boards are custom m ade and available in widthsto fitany window. ● Availale forinside m ountoroutside m ount ● Standard sizes:18”long length,15”shortlength ● 3”or6”returns ● 3 lining options available SoftFace Tailored Valance Option Give windowsa tailored look ata reduced costby utilzing a lightweight, wood top fram e with a railroaded fabric. These soft treatments reduce m anufacturing and shipping costs. ● 18”finished length ● 3”returns ● Deluxe white lining ● 94”m ax width

Cornice C-1 SoftFace Cornice BM C-1

Cornice C-16 SoftFace Cornice BM C-1

● Railroaded fabrics ● Cannotbe hinged

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