Alcalá 1991

Alumni Association


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he Student Alumni As– sociation was organized to keep USO alumni up–

to-date about It's goals and current campus affairs. Be– cause It is difficult for alumnis to keep up to date with cam– pus affairs, the Alumni Associ– ation holds an annual Summit Meeting to accomplish It's goals on keeping alumnls In– formed. October was a special time of the year for USD alum– ni, because of Homecoming. Part of the celebration was di– rected towards alumni, who had a positive response. Oth– er events directed towards alumni this year were Career Day, the Crew Classic, the Sports Banquet and regional receptions.

John TriHlettl DIRECTOR

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I.P.'s only· the festive Alumni tent attracts many - from as far back as 1940.

The Student Alumni AssoclatJon:


Homec~(ns Is .l!Jusy time for the Alumni Association ....., t.ttou· sands of~evist~our Urdvers~ and remi~- .-:,f days gdne- b_y,

WIicox, Suianne 8eS.tton!·ca'l'.rie Bouroukos, Katherine MCKenon, Heather J~es. Brenden Orfffen, Ktlly Christenson, Ana: Haase. Mary Ann Myers, Beth Moulton, Cecelia Kasperlck, Chris -Honned\er, Steve Kraft, Drew Lelthead. Katie Mahoney, Ai lngaJllrteta. David O'Clrady.


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