Alcalá 1991

Rick Apel lntematlonal Relations

Renae Arabo Business Administration

HOW TO TELL If YOU'M A Rf:AL Sf:NIOR True or false

Slept through at least Important exam 2. Bounced a check .5 Played shoshball . Lost your meal card 5. Attended a football game 6. Watched a sunset from Ml. Soledad 7. caned Pizza Hut at 2:00 a.m.

8. Watched the Simpsons on hursday nights 9. KIiled at least 1000 ants in a dorm room o. eaten at Nico s or Robertos 11. Thumbed through the Meat Mag 12. Spent a Thursday night at The Pennant 1.5. Gotten busted by the R.A.s 14 Ouys must have attempted a mustache and 1 or a beard 15. Stood In the STUDENT AC OUNTS long line 16. Argued your way out of a parking ticket on campus 17. Walked from party to party on the boardwalk 18. Had your phone disconnected 19 Prayed that the bouncer wouldn t know that It was a fake 1.0.

Esther Araujo Business Administration

20. Played an intramural sport for blood 21. Rewrite your resume at least 1.00 times 22. Brown-nosed you teacher(s)

You must amwer 'Tnae" to at least 19 ofthese to be consid– ered a "real'" senior.

Yovnne Arlnduque Computer Science

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