Alcalá 1991

Julie Kepner Communications

Michael Kinney Communications

The Weekend- time to unwind!

W hat to do, where to go? USO seniors know all the hot spots in San Diego. The weekend begins, late Thurs- d Pi ri U ' ·s zze a no SI the place to start un- ay

After the date, a midnight snack seems appropriate and the perfect place is Roberto's taco shop . . . the best in fast mexican food or you can try Nico's just around

Dance and ro· mance through

Kristina Kalusen International Relations

the night!

the comer. When the weekend was coming to an end, seniors knew the place for kicking back on lazy Sunday after– noons was what the Pennant was know for. Here you and your closest friends as well as Mission Beach regulars talked over the weekend's events and prepared for an– other week of rigorous stud– ies.

winding, enjoy real pizza or head on over to on over to Carlos Murphy's Happy Hour for a more so– cial atmosphere. To relax and enjoy a casual drink, O'Hungrys is the place to be. For special dinning our with friends you might try the well known Old Ox or Garcia's, but for a hot date Fat City would be preferred. If dancing is what you like, head over to the Red Onion.

Sara Kleekamp Spanish/Philosophy/English


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