Alcalá 1991
Doan.Jim Dohrmann, r:rlka Domini. Craig Donat. Rhonda Dreiling. Robert Driver, Melissa
Durort, catherlne Dumlao, Anne Duncan. Tamara Dunn. Molly t:gnew, Jennlrer r:mott. Melissa
r:11ls, Heidi r:ngle, Daniel r:rrasquln, Rhlza r:rtw1ne. Jeffrey escher. Jennifer r:stlvarlz, Janet
The Blinking Red Light
"Hi. we're at the beach right now, but leave a message and we'll get right back to you." This was a familiar greeting that await– ed most of us at the
red light dominated our social lives. The more messages the better, and if there were none, well, there was always the next day. One could only hope to see the
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receiving end of our tele– phone call. The blinking light was the first thing we looked for when we walked in the door. It seemed as if this little
blinking light to indicate un– heard messages. "Leave a message at the beep/"
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