Alcalá 1991

Tennis-The Torera Way!

niversity of San Diego Six players returned to the women's tennis team 1991 team. Headed by senior enters the 1991 season Tonya Fuller and Junior Sakol– as one of the most wan "Tuck" Kacharoen, these highly respected squads in col- six make the Toreras a strong legiate women's tennis. They outfit. The key to the 1991 sea– take into the season a #14 pre- son may well lie, however, In season ranking. Using two con- the three newcomers brought secutive NCAA tournament ap- to the squad by Stephens. pearances and national rank- Freshmen Julie McKeon, Laura lngs as a springboard, Head Richards, and Kara Brady, are Coach Sherri Stephens and three additions whom many her Toreras are looking toward feel will challenge for top spots 1991 as, potentially, the finest in both singles and doubles. season ever at USD.

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