Alcalá 1991
Sigma Chi
igma Chi, an opportunity achieved by more than 200,000 brothers for more than 1.35 years, is
Diego. The Theta ter is involved in ma activities such as social, acade · , and community service. Each br er completes 25 hours of commu · ty service each semester. Aca– demic responsi_bilities are taken very seriously. The chapter had the highest G.P.A. of all the Greek organizations on campus last year, a cumulative .3.14. Nonetheless, Sigma Chi enjoys fun events such as weekends in San Felipe, Around the Bay, and our ever popular Derby Days. The success of the Theta Lambda Chapter of Sigma Chi is attributed to strong and everlast– ing brotherhood that exists in the fraternity.
Sigma Chi shows their Homecoming spirit during the 1990 Float Parade.
one of the nation's elite fraterni– ties. The purpose of the fraternity is to cultivate and maintain high ideals of friendship, Justice, and learning upon which Sigma Chi was founded. Sigma Chi guides the brothers in leadership re– sponsibility, good citizenship, academic excellence, integrity, and provides a helping hand In brotherhood for the achievement of purposeful living. The Theta Lambda Chapter at The University of San Diego on May 1984. Since then Sigma Chi has become a positive force and influence at the University of San
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