Alcalá 1991
Zeta Tau Alpha
Erica Dlkeou President
Toni Tortorelli Vice President
' 'Z eta Is roreverl.. tront row: Monica Martina. Toni Tortorelll. Colleen rentn. Melissa Driver. Tonya Quinn. ratge HIii. Trish Hines. Laura Oacek. 1:rlca Dtl eta Tau Alpha kicked off the 1990-91 school year with a great pha seeks to enrich friendships and create a purer and nobler woman– hood in the world. The Theta Epsilon Chapter at USD is in its eleventh year of striving for excellence. This year members sought to en– rich the community with our annual Association of Retarded Citizens pic– nic, Special Olympics and several fund raisers. Social events were never forgotten this year as ze– ta's USD chapter co-host– ed an eight way ex– change with the Kappa Sigma Fraternity, uniting Zeta Sororities from four California Universities. As always. we strive to uphold academic excel– lence and the highest grade point average on campus. The school year ended with our beautiful White Violet Ball, but our sis– ters continue to share ex– citing times throughout the summer at our Na– tional Convention and many other functions. Our enduring sisterhood is epitomized by the statement "Zeta is for– ever." Rush! We warmly wel– comed the Omega Pledge class into our chapter. Since its founding at Longwood college in Farmville, Virginia in 1898, members of Zeta Tau Alpha across the United States and Can– ada have been striving to uphold our open motto "Seek the Nobelist." Through scholarship, sisterhood and commu– nity service. Zeta Tau Al-
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