Alcalá 1991

Kacey Pierce Good times ·- Bad times Time together - Time alone We've grown - You've grown You made it on your own And we are very proud. Love you. Mom and Dad

Abe Salea

Congratulations Abel May life bring you all the joy you've brought us. Much love- Mom and Dad




Tiffany McPeek It's impossible to express how proud we all are of you. Great GPA! and most important - fantastic, un-young lady we love so much! Mom Gregory R. Jim Your hard work enabled you to attain a very important goal in your life. Continue the same and God willing, we know you will succeed. Love, Mom and Dad '

I am extremely proud of you and believe in your ability , to succeed. You are "The perfect daughter" every mother dreams about. Good luck for your future. Mom


Mary Helen

From Sunset Mesa through U.S.D. you've been our shining star. May your future be as brilliant as your first twenty-one years. Congratulations and love Mom and Lou ·-' / ' - - Michelle Helfert Dearest Michelle, Thank you for being such a wonderful person. We are so very proud of you. Congratulations on your success. Love Mom and Dad Christia.a Ana Hernandez We're very proud of you for all your accomplishments and all of us pray the Lord will shed many blessings on your future endeavors. From: Mom, Dad, Joey, Linda, Ron, Monica and Mark __.:,:,- ~ ,


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Lisa La Porta


Dear Lisa our Cara bella, We could not be any prouder of you. We love you much. Mom and Dad



John Paul Carrieri

We congratulate you for all your hard work and dedication. We are so very proud of you John. Mom and Dad

Rena Thea Martin

Dawn-Michelle Simon

Thru the years, we have watched you grow into a confident, caring woman - we are so proud - The future looks bright because you persevered. From: Love, Mom, Tatus and Arona

Congratulations on your graduation! We love you! Dad, Mom, Jeff, Erik


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