Alcalá 1991

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0 Words for the Wise,,

cannot thank u,~an enough for their time both in and out of the darkroom. Adver– tising, what a chore • Mike Donovan had no difficulties meeting the necessary amounts of revenue. Copy staff had some trying times, but Stacy Mercer showed her dedication by sticking it out and became the spring semester copy editor. Jed Da– vis was an asset during the graphic stages and design decisions throughout many parts of the book. Heather Mineo, the Layout Edi r e proud of the many well ought designs she shared, espe fall he last dead- line. ectl each secti ha or and an as- sistant that onned e dless duties from appoin e nd nterviews, to photo assign e d la outs in order to complete . The few and very dedicated stuck through this compli– cated ordeal. All worked on a volunteer basis, and many came through on this commitment. And they should be ap– plauded: Lisa Upson, talk about dedica– tion! AS and their activities have never been so well represented. Her assistance In so many other areas will also be re– membered•. Clubs and Organizations is a Bear, to put it mildly - thanks to Meg Semmer. Although she lost her assistant in the spring she gave the yearbook her all. The Student Affairs section was the newest addition to the Alcala. Elodle Bal– land and Jen McCoy kept the depart– ments and directors well organized and Nicki O'Brien assisted them in the Fall. The Senior section was well represented by Hortensia Garcia and Summer Brown. There were excellent stories and many Interesting candids. As for the under– class, it would not have been possible without the extreme dedication of Melissa Johnson and Kristina Grimm - through thick and thin they worked and worked. Well-reported stories and candids made this section one of the hi hllghts of this year's book. $-wer ust as busy. calling, waitl ll\11tur s on one lay- out? Thanks tr a 15.! man and An· drea Rael for i IIJI-=. qual commit– ment, and M . ~ s • the layouts. That leaves am photos, Coaches rema;.-i~ copy were all part of the ti-~~ n by Steve Lie- bold and Jen eve has made some signiftcant changes to the Sports section in the last two years and has a lot to be proud of. There are many other staff members that assisted in completing the various sections. Thanks to Pam Klereln for her dedication in typing, and proof– reading, and to Andrea Rael for the extra assistance on other sections along with Mike Donovan.

he Universi– ty of San Diego's 1991 Al– cala, vol– ume 35, is a product of the offset lithography processes

Bound for. . . Reflection ff /\ fter spending two years as edl· tor-In-chief of the Alcala, I find It hard to believe that the 1991 Al· cala Is finished. Page 508 not only represents the end of the 1991 schoolyear, but also the close of a unique chapter In my college years." " It's difficult to write how It feels not having to put anymore late (all) night of layouts, editing (writing) copy, and designing. It Is also time for me to entrust the reigns to a new editor. But, this book wasn't an Individual effort. It was a combined effort of 27. I look back and chuckle at the stressful situations, the arguments, the phone calls, even the long-winded meetings. Now - hopefully, you can understand the for· mat I used. We've learned teamwork, the ability of working together as a unit. The executive board had a business to run, a final product to market and a commitment to the USD commu– nity. So, when you happen to take a glance around the office look at the memories we'll all cherish from the time we spent In college." "A question that seemed to be In the minds of many during the beginning of the fall semes· ter was why did you take the position of editor again? I took the position for a second term to use my experiences from the first to Improve the yearbook and many of these Ideas and sug· gestlons were accomplished, such as: the use ofcaptions for all photos (80%), dominant pho– tos, an organized ladder with appropriate sec· tlons, a dedication, a larger senior section, stay· Ing under budget, returning all necessary rev· enue to associated students, maintaining more than seven staff members during the last dead· line, last but certainly not least this colophon. As anyone can see, the staff achieved many of these accomplishments." "As an editor I can testify that hard-working and dedicated people are hard to find. So It Is Important to thank certain members on staff. To begin with, I would like to again thank Mike Davies my assistant for his diligent work and dedication. As fraternity brothers, and even roommates, It has been an eventful year! Through your commitment this year's Alcala was a great deal easier. Also, I would like to thank the patience of my other two roommates (Toby Bost et Rob Affleck) for their understand· Ing of late nlght,s, early mornings et days like the X-mas party. I would also like to thank my parents for their blessing and guidance In some extraordinarily trying times throughout this school year. " "USD Is renowned r, - n. T.S. ~llot, In his poem 'Little 0/ddlng' captured these thoughts:" What we call the beginning Is often the end. And to make an end Is to make a beginning. The end Is where we start from. "We go with our memories, knowledge and self-awareness. These are gifts we all have, things we acquired together here at USD. SO while the future Is ours and the past Is shared, each of us goes forth possessing something belonging to us all." forty-one years. The " and promises of ear: year of change, ii has ' that this university is day. Through this gr , and feelings are BOU acting as our guide, II 1l'ffl-Rt!l.i&il d .

used by Jostens Printing and Publish– ing Company in Visalia, California. -Contents- The book is 508 pages, divided into 14 sections of 100-pound litho gloss paper, BOUND by a silver foil embossed (8 5/4 x 11 1/2) specially designed cover.The book utilized 96 full pages of color and also 80 additional pages of spotcolor. A four page tip-in is included between sig- natures 17 l!t 18 for a full color look at the years events which was a difficult deci- • sion, nevertheless an executive one. The use of captions for all photos was a goal and an improvement from years past. The Advertising section was deftnitely an important feature in this year's book, thanks to Mike Donovan. Photography in this year's Alcala was diverse in all areas of campus. f'rom people to events it's se– ,- lection was endless. A congratulations goes out to Mike Spengler, Tasha Orr, and their staff. -Theme/Design/Opening- BOUND . . . the theme this year, tied together the traditions of USD and its sur– roundings vividly. The use of this theme was implemented in every section. The design was traditional and created by Jed Davis and J.C. Kennedy. Davis used his artistic talents to create a unique floral design which is apparent throughout the book. The opening's use of color and dominant photos is the result of Layout Editor Heather Mineo, and Section t:di- tor's Melissa Thompson and her assistant Katie Tontz efforts. -Executive Editorial Board· IT'S COME ALONQ WA YI/I The Alcala began with 15 executive members, dwln– dlae-tt~,e,,e,,~,et,..omehow, the staff ~ , _,,,,,-

an excellent prod· d was the comple– e and under bud– ar's production or uld have been ac– """"IIR.e help of each staff


member. Mike Davies, an assistant with complete dedication and organization, tackled many responsibilities throughout the year and challenged each of them. Claudia "book sales" Carrillo, an unfor– gettable Business Manager from day one, kept those books in line and organized. Mif Spengler and Tasha Orr, again, one [!JP CdGphffl sos 1

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