Alcalá 1991

M.B.A.C. 1P , · , ' t- '),,.' : 1 ,;f 1t:OC. J,RUf. :w.a~~r W8fll.l!). C:--S n 197.,l, the Mission Bay A~atic Center w~$ established primarily to cater to the needs of local colleg~ ~tudents and faail– ty. In 1990, over 18,000 people visited there to receiv~ first-hand instructions anca recreational '?PP0'1UQities jn watersknn~ s~lUrtg, surfing, rowing, ka~king,, ~cuba diving and waterskiing. Tl\e MtSiSlon Bay Aquatic Ctnter was noted a~ b~lt,g the Iarge~t center in the world for receiv– frig ex.cellertt irtstn,iction a11d U$age of first-class ~ulp~r,i~ Wt,ether it was used for early morning crew ))ractice,s. or just a great place to go for a letsu~e– .Jy canoe r1deon a Sunday afternoon, the Mission 6ay Aqu~Uo Center'.defit'lltely was appreclatec, by a larg~· number of students. Being close to the unHtei;-slty. students had the ch~nce tQ utltt.ze the ~rnple t;>.~ch~. swtm~!ng.areas iJnd pi~ni_c ta-; bfes 011 ~a~ where Wf.l J-,st needed to relax~ The Mis.sloh 'Bay Aquatic Center provided in" strucUonal courses to suit a wicte range of tnter– -~st$ from s~~ing to scuba divirtg.

H obie °'ts are one type -o( sail boat Ql the AquatJc ~nter. :::: .....

11.B.A C.

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